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About HexaTech

  • Birthday 02/25/2000

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  1. the screenshot captures a very toxic player, that had died whilst trying to kill and prey on naked’s. I seen this and killed the player, This was his response to that action as he spammed it in chat more than 20 times. US Server 2 player name: CARRILLO Please take immediate action!
  2. The image speaks for itself, but ill give a simple explanation. the anti-cheat is kicking non cheater players for absolutely no reason.
  3. |Русский язык ниже This is a poll to see how many players think we should have in game Moderators to deal with cheaters and hackers rather than an Anti-Cheat thats kicking all players. If you agree with the need for better in game moderation or moderators Heart React This or if you don’t agree or have more tips or ideas reply with your thoughts on the matter. Thank you Это опрос, чтобы узнать, сколько игроков думают, что у нас должны быть модераторы игры для борьбы с читерами и хакерами, а не античит, который пинает всех игроков. Если вы согласны с необходимостью улучшения в модерации игры или модераторами Heart React This, или если вы не согласны или у вас есть дополнительные советы или идеи, ответьте своими мыслями по этому поводу. Спасибо
  4. Oxide Survival- One of the many amazing mobile games that the Catsbit dev team has brought into our lives, although its not at its peak performance  and the best it can possibly be over all, so many of us mobile survivalist love this game and share it with our family, friends, and co workers. Now dont get me wrong it has its bugs and sketchy Anti-Cheat security, but its an amazing game and super simple and easy to master. Hop on hangout, Form a duo, trio, squad, or clan, Make friends and meet new people or just Solo there are so many ways to play!!!! PvP, Farm/Craft, Build bases or compounds, or play primitive. Use text chat or even proximity chat to talk to other players. 

  5. The Anti-Cheat is way out of control and ruining the game for hundreds of people, this error may just be the downfall of a short lived hit, this is no exaggeration either i mean the game has brought smiles to Alot of peoples faces, and not to mention the joy of playing an actual online survival type PvP game to the hands of a whole new generation of gamers, as you may have already guessed most play this because they aren’t fortunate enough to buy games like Day-Z or RUST, and this is one of the best substitutes i have found. So please for the continuation of this GREAT Game, Disable the Anti-Cheat or Cheat Detection service ASAP, and until it’s resolved, Give Mod Abilities to certain amount of players preferably of all languages. And have them do the dirty work. With Server Moderators players can simply call out the names of the hacker or hacker’s and As a mod one could step in capture evidence of the hacks, ban the user and post it to the board for all to witness and judge if they think its fair. My new gamer tag is CyberGlitch, and i speak for all of the oxide gaming community when i say this, Give us our piece of mind an give us moderation, give us a new dawn and let the sun shine on Oxide once more.
  6. So far i like the concept, but the anti-cheat has got to go atleast until its tested further. Right now its just a random kicker. Kicking everyone and causing most to die or be raided, i think for now server admins or even a better anti cheat engine would be better, it’s amazing to create a game that has 100’s of players but creating an Anticheat thats kicks 50% of that total isnt so good.
  7. His story and questions are a great example as to how my proposal of making certain players moderators or admins in the servers would be an amazing help, with such players acting or serving as a Server Mod or Admin, we could easily and efficiently ban cheaters, help the new players by acting as a sort guide and also help their game play by making the game a better and safer experience with admins or moderators that care and do their job accordingly.
  8. Unless the servers are gonna be available on all devices dont mess with them at all
  9. Update is google play???? What about the Appstore and the ios players, also is the update going to harm my progress as i just recently built a base and was able to make a gun. Is this all for not?
  10. Yoooo whats up you’ve made it to my profile congrats ? 

    you get a Cookie ? 

  11. HexaTech


    I was recording for a short clip when i stumbled upon a naked going base to base jumping through walls Server#3 hacker name: AK47PRO69 please ip ban this player. FullSizeRender.mov
  12. I was recording for a short clip when i stumbled upon a naked going base to base jumping through walls US Server#3 hacker name: AK47PRO69 please ip ban this player.