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Rust mobile is in development and will be released this year. Goodbye oxide it was nice knowing you. If you go to facepunch website it tells you that mobile version is in development. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Guard you guys should have listened to your community and made a good anti cheat because once rust mobile is released all your community is gone and leaving all you will have left is cheaters and hackers.. you fucked up a good game 

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15 hours ago, elmir said:

This is fake news, she was joking, there is no official news lol

Yes there is dumbass go to the website and read

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46 dakika önce, Slick916 dedi ki:

Evet aptal var web sitesine git ve oku

Attach the link. Don't post it because there is no official news 🤣

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47 dakika önce, Slick916 dedi ki:

Evet aptal var web sitesine git ve oku


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On 12/23/2023 at 10:50 AM, elmir said:

The game is not fully released yet, it is in alpha version and if you don't like it, don't play it my son🖕

Oxide is not in alpha version lol. I've been playing it since day one more then 2 years ago. 

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On 12/23/2023 at 10:47 AM, SrGt.JaCk! said:

Be quiet cry baby

You must be one of these POS hackers he's talking about. Why else would you make a comment like that regarding his hacker remark. Lol loser. Hackers are nothing but pussies who use cheats in a mobile game hahahaha. Just a bunch a no life losers. The only one crying is hackers when they get banned and cry in forums trying to get unbanned lol.

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The saddest problem in Oxyde is cheaters. Solving the problem by simply changing the game does not help much. Add the next player for cheats on the forum 10 times more. You are losing your audience. I don't believe that YOU developers simply forget about the normal game and allow cheats to be used freely. Please answer in this topic. You have no solutions or answers, nothing is visible

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13 dakika önce, SayD18+ dedi ki:

где Обноваааа , 2 минуты уже прошло хахахаа

I guess you don't know your GTM watch? Xd

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Обновление должно выйти по Гринвичу, примерно в 18-19:00, возможно раньше либо позже! 

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