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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Thanks for precising timelines. Banned.
  2. Banned.
  3. Нужны скриншоты или видео, подтверждающие, что данный игрок использует читы
  4. [EN] Hi, I know that all the servers are full with cheaters. We keep working on the anticheat system But until it's done, please save our time, send screenshots or video records that can prove that the players are cheating At the moment this it the only chance to get them banned The reports without screenshots/records would remain unanswered UPD If you load a long record, please precise the timelines [RU] Добрый день всем, Мы знаем, что сейчас на всех серверах играет много читеров. Поэтому мы усиленно работаем над античитом. А пока что, пожалуйста, экономьте наше время, присылайте скриншоты или видео, подтверждающие, что игрок использует читы. На данный момент это единственный вариант, при котором читеры могут быть забанены. Жалобы без скриншотов/видео остануться без ответа. Обн: если вы загружаете длинное видео, пожалуйста, укажите тайм-код
  5. Do you have added friends in the game? If yes, you can try to remove one of your friends and reload the game.
  6. Hi, Please do not push @xAnonyPowerZ, because he's not the member of the team, but our loyal player and volunteer The only person to push is me Yes, we play the game, we get hundreds of messages and reports, we know what is happening in the game That's why in the nearest future there will be an update (no more delays this time) Please stay tuned for our news
  7. Hi @Peenerweener Thank you so much for writing I fully understand your disappointment about cheaters and bugs. It's our fault that the update takes so much time and the players can not fully enjoy the game. And I'm really grateful for our support, loyalty, understanding and patience We have this opportunity. We hope we do not miss it
  8. Hi everyone, As you have already seen, the multiplayer version of the game doesn't work at the moment. Don't worry, it will be soon available together with the update ? Sorry for the inconvenience and stay tuned for our news
  9. Yes, at the moment it doesn't work It will be an update very soon
  10. Hi, We have done some fixes Please precise whether you encounter still such a problem or not
  11. Thanks for you useful suggestion
  12. Добрый день, вы можете сделать возврат денег через Google Play В любом случае прошу указать ваш никнейм и id транзакции
  13. Catsbit.Care


    Hi, Do you have friends in the game? You can try to remove one of your friends from the friends list and reload the game
  14. Yes, it will be fixed in the next update
  15. А можете загрузить еще раз видео, пожалуйста?
  16. Можете указать свой никнейм, пожалуйста?
  17. There were too many players waiting in line. We opened new servers to solve this problem I hope you managed to enter the game
  18. There were too many players waiting in line. We opened new servers to solve this problem I hope you managed to enter the game
  19. Is it the video recorded 14th March or earlier? because i see that this player was banned 12th March
  20. Thankd for reporting. This no-nickname bug will be fixed in the next update