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Everything posted by Ryuk

  1. Ryuk

    #1 Priority

    So you can help them
  2. Ryuk


    You can only tell me do you need someone who knows 3d design and be a follower of the game. Or anyone, whatever it is, I think you understand what I mean
  3. Ryuk


    I have been in contact with many YouTubers and have told them that you only need a 3D designer. One of them answered me. He said he will put it in the next video. His name is RKR Squad, and he supports you a lot. If you can talk to him, just look at my comment and see his response. He has almost 12k subscribers. I also tell people in groups about the game and my friends. I can look for a professional in 3D design, there are groups for talented people
  4. How much to create a server
  5. Ryuk


    Is there a way to win more from the game. We want to help you develop the game further. Tell us about ways to help you develop the game like advertisements if there is a good profit or something; I hope you get the idea
  6. Ryuk


    Answer what they told you first and then answer the second person
  7. Why didn't they say anything about the update date?
  8. 1-can you add drums to find scrap .(2)-and add craft like rust pc because its easy to craft weapons and RPG and thats not good You can modify the craft and make things a little more difficult, (3)_add big, medium and small chests in the areas in the game and make the map a little big,( 4)_and we can't even mark the map to remember where our home is(.5)_add materials for the raid like bomb and dynamite and c4 make it like rust I mean, in a more realistic way, like throwing a bomb or any explosive and running away
  9. But I think if they focus on oxide that will be better and good game
  10. This is a good thing about you. You can improve the FARM in the game when you break trees, for example, you can increase the number because in the future we want to build castles and bigger things and this will not help if the combination is like this +1 + 2 + 1
  11. I think this is simple it can only be in the player profile with his name and clan name if it will be in the future You can see last island....
  12. make lvl in the game or hour's to know the player if he is new or pro
  13. Ryuk

    Ideas for Updates

    The most important thing is that the farm be fixed because we want to build big houses and this farm will not help us +1+1+1+2 and the second thing is the map and the way the player runs