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  1. The server after 2 weeks of new features it is become a working and functional server with more improvements coming soon. On behalf of me and Marc we hope you join and find it useful.
  2. Forgot to put the names here lordvortigan marcalbertyt7687
  3. So you're probably reading the title and going "Freeblade, what the actual hell did you just say to us all? Get out of my sight". Well guess what? After about 2 weeks of perfecting the server with more improvments in the upcoming future me and @Marc Albert have created a Discord server for SB3D, it's unofficial but is actually up and running currently. If you wish to join add me or Marc on discord and we'll send you the link.
  4. Either this child was high from snorting glue or wasn't very familiarized with where he should type his complaints
  5. From this guy's post to now here, what is this a freaking saga?
  6. What in the God damn fuck am I looking at?
  7. The game is a barren wasteland
  8. Quite frank with you, the game needs a Discord server to properly function. I am actually attempting to make it but it takes a while to properly adjust roles and what not so that way it doesn't get nuked
  9. We get it you got banned and you want to be unbanned
  10. I seriously doubt it, they are gonna make a bigger abandonment then the Developers of Formata
  11. Clearly you don't know how ignorant @Catsbit.Dev is
  12. Freeblade

    Other games?

    I understand I am in the Oxide Survival Island forums, but so far you guys have been ignoring every other game forum so I have to address the question here: When will games like Sb3d and stuff get a new update? When will we get the attention that Oxide has been receiving? I ask of this because these games have hit rock bottom, so deep that the old clans like SRS for SB3D have found the game worthless. Please respond with some answer