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  1. Нету кнопки для создания клана, разочарован.
  2. 12B931BEC4B2CB56 hacker Us3
  3. hacker us 27 aimkill no deja jugar porfavor banealo catsbit ID: EF368B4747CE2F2F
  4. Hello! Recently The Oxide Christmas Update Came out! I was wondering if that is the full update or if more is coming later! Also when you enter the game it tells you that there is a Christmas discount but nothing is discounted? @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Care
  5. 1st question why did you add stupid snow machine when nobody asked for it 2nd how long did you work on this update 3 hours? 3 rd why in 3 months you couldn't add anything thats improving game and usefull @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Care
  6. Разработчик, вместо ответов своему комъюнити игнор. У вас 4-ый год игра в альфа тестировании типо находится, а софты убивают все так же, ничего не могут сделать с ними, добавить обыкновенную модерацию нельзя, раз в год заходят чекают 10 постов и все, хотя читеров в игре тысячи. Мое послание, просто не добавляйте ничего, хоть год ничего не добавляйте, главное АНТИЧИТ НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ. Иначе что вы можете? Добавте хотя бы админов на сервера, но нет, вам все равно на ваше же комъюнити, за то Донаты штопаете как нечего делать, ТУРЕЛЬ донатную????? ГДЕ ВЫ ВИДЕЛИ ДОНАТНУЮ ТУРЕЛЬ?????? НЕ МУЧАЙТЕ НАС, ОБЫЧНЫХ ИГРОКОВ, СДЕЛАЙТЕ АНТИЧИТ, ЗАЧЕМ ИГНОРИТЬ? Еще одно предложение, просто добавьте новый способ Доната в России, ВАМ же лучше, вам же этм люди донатят, просто сделайте лучше и им и вам, не страдайте фигней! Catsbit.Care
  7. Sv:Br1 ID:6D88FDBCADEA0796
  8. I am struck in radiation zone centre please help me in server #45
  9. Hello dear @Catsbit.Care This is a best suggestion for new update 1. Add the scope Red dot and 4x scope 2. Remove level system on Work bench 3. Add the new map Answer my comment please
  10. No update but of course you release the Christmas items so you can make money of a hacker infested game. Like tons of people are already realizing you do not care about your game you just care about making money. It's a damn shame, Poland would be ashamed of you
  11. I'm old oxide player and please unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 player @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard Answer my comment
  12. When new uptade @Catsbit.Care
  13. Hacker aim kill kelled me on server 4US I'd: C1A57C81F0A21C87 Please bann
  14. The developer has sold the game and is no longer making updates. It's a sad day but we will push on through. So for everyone asking there will be no update at all...
  15. Can you give new news about the update? We are still impatiently waiting for the update
  16. Slick916


    Only 9 days left before Christmas and no update. Starting to lose faith in your abilities to run and manage a mobile game
  17. My ID 656A579B506A8C28 LVL 18 my IGN : BLOODSEEKER!. I admit that I cheated, I've been ban for almost a week now, and I been very regretful and sorry for what I did, but ive reach lvl 15 without using cheats, I've been using cheats for almost a week for some reason, which I regret doin. Ive learned my lesson and I been goin through the punishment you've guys given, I am deeply sorry for what ive done, and I would be given a chance that you guys lift my punishment i would be very grateful and also I would play the game fair, fun and challenging i will not repeat my mistakes and will follow all rules you guys given, the game is so good that i would play entire day, it is so challenging and fun meeting friends and foes, we appreciate your hussle maintaining the game, if I would given a second chance i wouldn't waste it I will protect the game and play fair, again iam very sorry for what ive done ruining the game you guys develop. please do give me a second chance.
  18. what's the matter? Is it true? Or is it just a rumor?
  19. 1.57CAADEEFA700E0B speed hack 2.Speed hack C00CF37DC9A7FCCF
  20. I don't know why I was suddenly Banned,,, Just a while ago my signal was weak and then I killed the naked person on the road Then suddenly I was kicked and then im trying to reconect i shock because my Account got Banned :Please help me get my account Back ID: 495F417473931F26 Oxide developer is so deceitful, I was suddenly banned for Fucking Internet pleasee Oxideee doo your jobb!!!7
  21. Will There Be A Christmas Update This Month? Can I Have Some Hints On What Will Be In The Update