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  1. Server : us5 UID : 8FFF3E3730396724
  2. My player id is FB49EDC938C27B75 Name Anti-Ban Id like to get my account back please iv done nothing wrong and was banned I'm level 21. I worked so hard for that account please give me my account back I've also sent direct messages and feel like I am being ignored my base. It's probably decayed by now with all my resource inside this is not fair. I was not cheating or doing anything I was not supposed to be doing. I'd really appreciate some type of response. Because? I am a loyal gamer I have also spent 60$+ on the game. I left my base to grab resources from a friend and I was banned
  3. дорогие разработчики я играю с эмулятора и без читов но меня забанили за Читы могу предоставить разные доказательства то что я без читов мое айди 443C0DB6ED68CEA0, на моем аккаунте была куплена турель с 1 левела и я почти апнул 15 лвла но меня забанило я собирался записывать ролик но меня бан 😉 proof:последнее видео 24us dear developers, I play from an emulator and without cheats, but I was banned for Cheats, I can provide various evidence that I am without cheats, my ID is 443C0DB6ED68CEA0, a turret was purchased on my account from level 1 and I almost reached lvl 15, but I was banned, I was going to record a video, but I'm banned 😉
  4. my account was blocked by mistake, I played with a very high ping, because I lived in a village with very poor Internet, and I was constantly being kicked from the server. please unblock my account. ID: 9BFD50C79D2DE93C my server: 69 EU my name: " N-8"
  5. юthe ban was not for anything on the hut, the ban was on the hut in the city of norm, the ban was for nothing. there was no software ban, but they threw reports at me because I called pvp 2na2 to the city, she insulted me pj razbannnnn ip 96CO11748COB4789
  6. юthe ban was not for anything on the hut, the ban was on the hut in the city of norm, the ban was for nothing. there was no software ban, but they threw reports at me because I called pvp 2na2 to the city, she insulted me pj razbannnnn ip 96CO11748COB4789
  7. Please evict me I used a hack if you accept it I'm sorry I tried it please I will never do those things to you I never killed anyone I just evicted why should you ban my account , I saw what you did to me Report I admit I tried hacking but I will never do it again I apologize remove my ban
  8. Dear @Catsbit.Care please unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 I'm playing with out hack
  9. I'm old oxide player and please unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 player @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard Answer my comment
  10. @Catsbit.Care What the reason he got Banned I have been seeing for a long time that many people are getting banned despite not using the hack And those who use the hack are reported by me here with video proof but they are not banned This ID 57923821D1A62CCB should be unbanned as soon as possible,HE buy So Many Itams In Store , He said would not buy anything from the store if his ID was not returned,He said hackers are not banned but those who don't hack are banned for no reason what a great game @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit dev
  11. Please unban My ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 Nickname IND/TOP/1 My favorite game oxide Survival island Please @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard Unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88
  12. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3E1BACEE41383D88 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  13. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3E1BACEE41383D88 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  14. I'm playing saver 25 , I’m playing like this, and at one moment I’m like naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the ban arrives Please help dear developers My ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 Unban Please
  15. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3FA9A70D7F2E8D82 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА