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  1. Witajcie drodzy Programiści, zostałem zbanowany za utknięcie w ogrodzeniu i zacząłem być popychany na szczyt, po czym wystartowałem i zostałem zbanowany. Proszę Odblokować moje konto. ID-F9F8B49EF95F989
  2. klan_uzb


    Добрый день, забанили без причины прошу пересмотреть бан ник: Zloipahan сервер 85EU играл без читов получил бан, скорее всего иза пинга.
  3. Hello dear oxide developers You have banned your account I'm Rip. You can unban him, I can confirm with my teammate, close person, etc. I bought this account from a cheater, but I didn’t know about it and many people reported me.
  4. I'm old oxide player and please unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 player @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard Answer my comment
  5. Please unban My ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 Nickname IND/TOP/1 My favorite game oxide Survival island Please @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard Unbanned my ID 3E1BACEE41383D88
  6. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3E1BACEE41383D88 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  7. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3E1BACEE41383D88 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  8. I'm playing saver 25 , I’m playing like this, and at one moment I’m like naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the ban arrives Please help dear developers My ID 3E1BACEE41383D88 Unban Please
  9. Играю я на 97 серваке играю такой играю в один момент как нааааааа... и прилетает бан Помогите пожалуйста дорогие разработчики Мой айди 3FA9A70D7F2E8D82 РАЗБАНЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА
  10. _Ze4k_


    Hello, dear moderation received a ban from anti-cheat for cheating. How it was: Reidil dos with a pickaxe and I hear a man coming up to me he played with an aim bot he was in leather armor I was in iron armor he shot from a rifle I kill him on the server logs with a Kalash loot him and continue to raid the house and flies ban me. ( This is my donated account, I would not want to lose it) ) Nick: [zk] 網絡運動 ID: DDEFCCB1EF3230BF @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  11. Hello, dear moderation received a ban from anti-cheat for cheating. How it was: Reidil dos with a pickaxe and I hear a man coming up to me he played with an aim bot he was in leather armor I was in iron armor he shot from a rifle I kill him on the server logs with a Kalash loot him and continue to raid the house and flies ban me. ( This is my donated account, I would not want to lose it) ) Nick: [zk] 網絡運動 ID: DDEFCCB1EF3230BF @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  12. _Ze4k_


    Hello, dear moderation received a ban from anti-cheat for cheating. How it was: Reidil dos with a pickaxe and I hear a man coming up to me he played with an aim bot he was in leather armor I was in iron armor he shot from a rifle I kill him on the server logs with a Kalash loot him and continue to raid the house and flies ban me. ( This is my donated account, I would not want to lose it) ) Nick: [zk] 網絡運動 ID: DDEFCCB1EF3230BF
  13. Layty

    Ban mistake

    Hi developers, what's up with the game again?? Why are accounts banned I have already banned two accounts just so what the hell? I just poured, I go in the next day, all the AKs are in the ban? NickName: [TG] Laytyツ.
  14. Здравствуйте, меня забанили за читы, но я играл в ping. У меня был пинг на уровне 200. Из-за этого я нахитовал много голов. В некоторых местах я дал тело-ногу врагам, поищите сами в логах. Я заранее благодарю вас за разбан)
  15. Hello, I was banned for Cheats, but I played ping. I had a ping of 200. I gave a lot of goals because of this. In some places I gave the body-legs look for yourself in the logs. I say thank you in advance for the unban)
  16. I requested an unban, a player reported me for killing him with lucky headshots, and he also shoots quite well, but he had a very large team and they all reported me and they banned me for that. I come to request an unban. Thank you for your attention my id is: BF637D5BD53FF8ED
  17. h Hi catsbit i know the mistake of using cheats in the game hope i can open an account because the assets in the account are very valuable
  18. This Player Didn't Use hack I don't know why catsbit benned this I'd:F538665ECF95CDB0N Name: llia:) @Catsbit.Care Any proof He use Hack Send Me He didn't uSe hack Unbanned This I'd.
  19. This Player Didn't Use hack I don't know why catsbit benned this I'd:F538665ECF95CDBON Name: Ilia:) @Catsbit.Dev Any proof He use Hack Send Me He didn't use hack Unbanned This I'd.
  20. I'm not play with the cheat. But the account was banned. Please delete the account. My nickname is Kotakba. Please ? unban
  21. Здравствуйте мой аккаунт был забанен за то что я хранил ресурсы в своем аккаунте добытые с помощью чита я признаю свою вину и сожалею за это я играл на Apple устройстве и создать новый аккаунт тоже не могу Пожалуйста очень прошу разбаньте мой аккаунт под ником Я Х И К О обещаю что буду играть честно!
  22. Добрый день сегодня мне выдали бан причина чит (ошибка) есть скрины и сведетили играю с эмулятора gmail: Буду презнателен? rast_test_01
  23. Hello dear developers, I would like to know for what deceit I was blocked? I just ran around the map and farmed, and I was kicked out of the game, I go in and they write here that I was banned, I ask for my account to be unbanned.