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A MASSIVE update

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This game is. Let's face it.   Pretty lame...

But I have some ideas to make it better..


First things first,   All players are tired of trying to find there friend In some server. So add a friend list and let players be able to find there friends way easier,

Second of all,   add a tools section in shop. Containing,

A paint tool,   be able to paint you walls, floors, doors, etc,

Modifier,    the ability of this is to be able to change a behavior of a object. For example,

Set a door to only allow selected players through,

Set a transparency level,

Set a vehicle to when someone enters the vehicle it can explode (would be a nice gag to do on your friends),,


NEW MAPS, the more the merrier. so here are some interesting maps I and some friends came up with,                      #1 water world with a few islands.                                              #2 snow mountain. Lots of snow and mountains.                      #3 dirt flats, all level ground         no lumps or bumps,      

NEW VEHICLES,   more vehicles means more fun. So here's a list of new vehicles I thought would be fun to have,                                  #1 hydroplane, for the water world,                                                  #2 snowmobile, for snow mountain,                                          #3 planes, because helicopters aren't enough,                                    #4 tank, because they would be fun to shoot at people  (would come with  a hefty price but worth the money),                            #5 flying car, it would be great to be able to fly and drive around with the same vehicle,                    

GUNS,.                                                Shotgun,  machine gun,  Sniper,    RPG,  throwing knife,  etc,

RANDOM,                                         NPC's, yoi can give them commands with modifier,              SET PLAYER BANNING, cause there are some people you don't want on you server,



That's all for now. Plz add you suggestions in the comments. 

Thx for reading





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I'd also like to add to my list

Server settings. Adding,                    server Defaults. Set the joiner      to not be able to delete or               build,                                              

ADD ACCOUNTS so people can't take your name(it gets annoying when someone takes your name and says there you and makes you look like a fool), 

If you can an elevator would be nice,

CAMERA be able to switch from.  FIRST PERSON And THIRD PERSON. (It would be easier for players),

I'll add more to my list soon, 

PS thank you to the commenters

@hii and @RoboticViper




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@hii I really don't think everything is said. I think this game has the chance to be the best game ever


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yup I think so 2. It is the only mobile game that has everything what a multiplayer game needs. It's special bc it isn't perfect but there r some problem that have 2 b solved. I hope Catsbit will focus a lil bit more on sandbox bc it's just a great game.


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@hii you agree that we need more chat codes right?

If you do. I think you'll like these codes

#1 KILL CODE,                                  <kill>player1284</kill>.                   Can work with, random player,    all, and me,

#2 NUKE CODE,                                <nuke>x=0 z=0<power=100>,        this will be my favorite code

#3 TROLL,                                          <troll><random><blank screen>.  The power of this code is to pick you own troll. Such as, BLANK SCREEN, blank their screen out.                                        FREEZE, freeze their player

Please and to this list : )

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@hii thanks for pointing me in the direction of @Benjamin Wascher I really like the ideas of those chat commands..

Also. people making a server can disable some commands. For a lot less people spamming via chat commands. 

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I had this idea the other day and want to share it with you guys.      We would like to be able to make clans. The ability of being in a clan is you can see what server anyone (who's in your clan) is in

Features of owning a clan.          

You can merge clans or become Ally's

You can do clan chat. If your in a random persons server you and your clan mates can chat privately without the outsiders knowing what your saying

Clan voice chat. The same as the clan chat but with sound

Sharing money/diamonds. People can send money and or diamonds

Design a clan skin. Use a blank skin and the owner can design that skin

Design a clan flag. Draw amazing designs on a flag. Or draw something stupid-_-

Point is this game has the potential for one of the best games!! ?

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Forgot to add this but any clan member can save another clan member's server as long as their server is set to allow clan members to save

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On 4/28/2020 at 6:30 AM, Glitch said:

This game is. Let's face it.   Pretty lame...

But I have some ideas to make it better..


First things first,   All players are tired of trying to find there friend In some server. So add a friend list and let players be able to find there friends way easier,

Second of all,   add a tools section in shop. Containing,

A paint tool,   be able to paint you walls, floors, doors, etc,

Modifier,    the ability of this is to be able to change a behavior of a object. For example,

Set a door to only allow selected players through,

Set a transparency level,

Set a vehicle to when someone enters the vehicle it can explode (would be a nice gag to do on your friends),,


NEW MAPS, the more the merrier. so here are some interesting maps I and some friends came up with,                      #1 water world with a few islands.                                              #2 snow mountain. Lots of snow and mountains.                      #3 dirt flats, all level ground         no lumps or bumps,      

NEW VEHICLES,   more vehicles means more fun. So here's a list of new vehicles I thought would be fun to have,                                  #1 hydroplane, for the water world,                                                  #2 snowmobile, for snow mountain,                                          #3 planes, because helicopters aren't enough,                                    #4 tank, because they would be fun to shoot at people  (would come with  a hefty price but worth the money),                            #5 flying car, it would be great to be able to fly and drive around with the same vehicle,                    

GUNS,.                                                Shotgun,  machine gun,  Sniper,    RPG,  throwing knife,  etc,

RANDOM,                                         NPC's, yoi can give them commands with modifier,              SET PLAYER BANNING, cause there are some people you don't want on you server,



That's all for now. Plz add you suggestions in the comments. 

Thx for reading





Hi there.

This is a good suggestion, but it is however a long one.

As I said in previous replies, game updates take a whole lot of effort and coding to create.

Therefor these updates may be separated into different future updates.

as always, thanks for the suggestions. ? 

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On 28/4/2020 at 8:30, Glitch said:

Este juego es. Seamos sinceros. Bastante cojo ...

Pero tengo algunas ideas para mejorarlo ...


Lo primero es lo primero, todos los jugadores están cansados de intentar encontrar un amigo en algún servidor. Así que agregue una lista de amigos y permita que los jugadores puedan encontrar amigos más fácilmente,

En segundo lugar, agregue una sección de herramientas en la tienda. Conteniendo,

Una herramienta de pintura, poder pintar sus paredes, pisos, puertas, etc.

Modificador, la capacidad de este es poder cambiar el comportamiento de un objeto. Por ejemplo,

Establece una puerta para que solo los jugadores seleccionados puedan pasar,

Establecer un nivel de transparencia,

Configure un vehículo para que cuando alguien ingrese al vehículo pueda explotar (sería una buena broma para sus amigos).


NUEVOS MAPAS, cuantos más mejor. Así que aquí hay algunos mapas interesantes que se nos ocurrieron con algunos amigos, el mundo acuático # 1 con algunas islas. # 2 montaña nevada. Mucha nieve y montañas. # 3 pisos de tierra, todo terreno nivelado sin bultos ni protuberancias,      

VEHÍCULOS NUEVOS, más vehículos significa más diversión. Así que aquí hay una lista de vehículos nuevos que pensé que sería divertido tener, hidroavión n. ° 1, para el mundo acuático, motonieve n. ° 2, para montaña nevada, aviones n. ° 3, porque los helicópteros no son suficientes, tanque n. ° 4, porque lo harían Ser divertido dispararle a la gente (vendría con un precio elevado pero valdría la pena el dinero), coche volador n. ° 5, sería genial poder volar y conducir con el mismo vehículo,                    

ARMAS ,. Escopeta, ametralladora, francotirador, RPG, cuchillo arrojadizo, etc.

ALEATORIO, NPC, puedes darles comandos con el modificador, ESTABLECER BANNING DE JUGADOR, porque hay algunas personas que no quieres en tu servidor,



Eso es todo por ahora. Por favor, agregue sugerencias en los comentarios. 

Gracias por leer





Muy buenas todas las ideas.

A mi me parecería bien que agreguen modos de juego como por ejemplo, un modo de zombies, uno de chat, de supervivencia, etc. Obviamente incluyendo él modo sandbox que es él que ya tiene.

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Pretty cool @Glitch I don't know how to code, but if I could learn, I would learn to help you and the other Catsbit. I like this area a lot but unfortunately I am unexpected. Another cool thing would be to be able to make movements like lying down, squatting, sitting and others.




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@GlitchYeah the problem is, Catsbit Is struggling to Make so much in short time, since this game was hard to develop, i agree to your ideas, but the chat codes would be a bad thing, not hating.

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On 4/28/2020 at 3:30 PM, Glitch said:

This game is. Let's face it.   Pretty lame...

But I have some ideas to make it better..


First things first,   All players are tired of trying to find there friend In some server. So add a friend list and let players be able to find there friends way easier,

Second of all,   add a tools section in shop. Containing,

A paint tool,   be able to paint you walls, floors, doors, etc,

Modifier,    the ability of this is to be able to change a behavior of a object. For example,

Set a door to only allow selected players through,

Set a transparency level,

Set a vehicle to when someone enters the vehicle it can explode (would be a nice gag to do on your friends),,


NEW MAPS, the more the merrier. so here are some interesting maps I and some friends came up with,                      #1 water world with a few islands.                                              #2 snow mountain. Lots of snow and mountains.                      #3 dirt flats, all level ground         no lumps or bumps,      

NEW VEHICLES,   more vehicles means more fun. So here's a list of new vehicles I thought would be fun to have,                                  #1 hydroplane, for the water world,                                                  #2 snowmobile, for snow mountain,                                          #3 planes, because helicopters aren't enough,                                    #4 tank, because they would be fun to shoot at people  (would come with  a hefty price but worth the money),                            #5 flying car, it would be great to be able to fly and drive around with the same vehicle,                    

GUNS,.                                                Shotgun,  machine gun,  Sniper,    RPG,  throwing knife,  etc,

RANDOM,                                         NPC's, yoi can give them commands with modifier,              SET PLAYER BANNING, cause there are some people you don't want on you server,



That's all for now. Plz add you suggestions in the comments. 

Thx for reading







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