psykkoman 11 Posted October 4, 2021 This game needs admins, like real admins. There are some people in server 2 claiming they are admins (ign Bones, Jester, Rose90), they are being toxic in chat and having an "admin" power trip, but if they were admins they would say something when people being toxic in chat, They only play the admin card when ppl are coming near their base and they have been threatening to ban some kid in chat for 30 minutes, taunting and the whole toxic bit. I switched servers to not be around this level of toxicity, but some people actually in charge of this game should be aware that these people are ruining complete servers. I am not sure who is worse, these kids or the ign destroyerjd who was shooting naked in the back of the head and being racist in the chat sometimes. This was the entire time I was on this server this group is just bullying everyone with their "admin" status to make progress. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 4, 2021 Now he is being hostile and toxic in chat. I ask him to not be toxic and he tells me I am offending him and talks about TOS.He says he is good friends with the actual admin person here, and if so get your friends in line. They are ruining your game. I changed servers to get away from his drama in chat, and he followed said he was gonna keep following and he said chat is logged so you can see it. if not I have screenshots of most of it. I have played the game for 3 or 4 days and have not played pubg or cod mobile since I tried it. I spend a lot of money on those games and the game I play gets the money I spend. I will try another server tomorrow, but if he is there gaslighting and lying and them calling me a liar for pointing it out I am out for good. If he wants to come shoot me in game, tha'ts fine... that's the game, but stop the toxic fake power trip. Give him a server to pretend admin and let me know which one so I can avoid it and we can all be happy!!;) Sorry for the rant but I can not stand people on power trips who gaslight and lie. Also I am sure there is something in TOS about pretending to be admin... And bones I know u r reading this and enjoying it, because that is what toxic people do. ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo Johnny/Bones 114 Posted October 5, 2021 @Catsbit.Dev @Catsbit.Care Please again, ignore this persons messages. There needs to be age confirmation to play this game, because look at what is happening all the time. **He is complaining because we are Admin on our own Oxide Discord?** I dont have time for this. I understand this forum is for posting Bugs and Suggestions etc. Threatening to ban somebody is not a threat. When people are being abusive, we warm them to please be friendly and remind them that they have accepted terms and conditions prior to playing Oxide, and warn them that they could possibly be banned. What I do is fine. We have a large community of people who play and we are very friendly. I am sorry this player is complaining on this forum regarding me waiting outside his base. We can do what we want on the game as long as it is not abusive behaviour, nor offensive or humiliating. I have read the terms and conditions. I am afraid people do not like my honesty. Once again I am sorry for this user misusing this forum. I am within my right, and I will not and have not violated terms and conditions. Complaining about killing while chopping wood is NOT catsbit concern. Thankyou Bones 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rose90 26 Posted October 5, 2021 For starters, I said I was a admin but not for this game. I'm a admin on discord. And everyone knows that, sorry your new to the system kid. Secondly, we don't even know who you are, but I'm constantly on this game 24/7 keeping the peace, but it's people like you the "toxicity" you speak so highly of about us that ruins a great game like this. We are not negative in anyways except when we're telling people (would highly doubt telling people to be friendly & obey the terms & conditions is being toxic) to stop hacking or being disrespectful of the game. Im about tired of children lying to get their ways. This so called server saying we followed you, bruh we don't even have you added as a friend because we Don't even know you!! We switch servers because Chinese people were online instantly raiding every single bass and killing everybody. So we left the server and went to another one, just happened to be the server you were on. And no way possible were we following following you we didn't even harass you, We just said we wanted to play the game like everybody else and you kept making it about you. Miss me with that bs. Don't come to the forums to lie kid it looks bad. And thirdly, I have screenshot of you too. Being "toxic" and so does all my crew I play with. We let It go when you switch servers apparently So we didn't think we needed to make a forum post about it. I may be new to the game (1 month into it) but I bring traffic, I tell friends & family about this amazing game. "Oh its got a few bugs, but it's a great game" "there's a few toxic children but you can ignore them". I know for sure that I'm grown, Jester is grown, And bones is grown. And we don't have time for silly childish games on a game that we are playing. We report hackers & underage kids playing because if your like me or any smart person you read the terms & conditions of any game to make sure you follow its rules. Which you clearly did not. God bless, and have a good day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 You never specified discord rose, but I will add that Jester was the worst of them... He was threatening some kid in chat and then said he was banning him. He then said you have less than 24 hours before your banned. I replied It takes 24 hours for an admin to ban someone and he said yeah we have lives and other stuff to do. You guys need to not use admin in chat without specifying as I and others thought you was real admins until the chat incident. As for the age comment I will voice chat with anyone to prove my age, and I guarantee I am older than all of you. ? As for me being toxic, I was only responding to you guys and stand by whatever I said. I was mad about your guys misleading the server and you only replied I was being offensive when I would say to not be toxic and harass ppl. As for you bring traffic, what makes you think I do not? Also Bones I am not misusing this forum, I am not filing a complain about you but suggesting there be actual admins so people can not go on power trips because they know how to make a discord server. I have not broken any rules and it is what it is, I was just calling you out for the lies in chat for everyone to see so they would no longer be afraid to raid you since you are not admins. P.S. asking admins to ignore me does not make my screenshots not actual, and if I see you in server I am hitting screen record instantly and posting it unedited to youtube so everyone can see what is being said in chat. Happy Farming and ? Have fun playing the game. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 As far as the destroyer comment, the fact he was shooting naked in the back of the head was not my problem, it was the toxic chat and blatant racism. I know you have seen it too because I saw you comment about him in chat. I am not going to have a back and forth on a forum, I made people aware of the situation and am moving on. If it happens again I will just post the videos for all to see and people can decide for themselves what is going on, but if there is a chat log on server 2 for the evening of my post then they already know what was said and nothing said here will change what happened. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 " Threatening to ban somebody is not a threat. " So you admit you threatened to ban someone in chat. This is what I am talking about... double speak and I have no patience for it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jester 2 Posted October 5, 2021 (edited) Quite happy to admit I was saying I was a admin to drive out toxic players like Doritos using glitchs & bragging about a "new glitch" called the faze glitch. Ruining the fun of players doing the right thing in server. As for me being toxic I can honestly say I wasn't I'm 34 & to old for childish toxic b.s. only reason I'm even bothering to reply is that I was made aware my name got brought up. Ppl in glass houses shouldn't throw the first stone ? Edited October 5, 2021 by Jester Misspell 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo Johnny/Bones 114 Posted October 5, 2021 10 minutes ago, psykkoman said: " Threatening to ban somebody is not a threat. " So you admit you threatened to ban someone in chat. This is what I am talking about... double speak and I have no patience for it. I ban people from our Discord. Stop misusing this forum. I am deeply embarrassed and sorry for this players posts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rose90 26 Posted October 5, 2021 (edited) This is going back and forth. And you obviously have time for this since you're constantly replying. The devs don't have time for this childish bs. There is way more "toxic people" in game that are a issue than us telling people to be friendly and obey the rules. As for the " I guarantee I am older than all of you. " Should we bring out all our d***s and measure to see how big they are? Sorry, not sorry. You don't have a right to have my name in your mouth. I have a family and I don't need a teenie bopper spreading lies about me online. I'm a very reputable and trustworthy person. We need to have the option to block or mute any player in game to avoid things like this. Edited October 5, 2021 by Rose90 Spelling 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 1 hour ago, Emo Johnny/Bones said: I ban people from our Discord. Stop misusing this forum. I am deeply embarrassed and sorry for this players posts. Are you admin here? Please stop telling me I am misusing the forum in a post suggesting they have actual admins. It is an actual suggestion like my others and you do not want that to happen obviously. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo Johnny/Bones 114 Posted October 5, 2021 12 minutes ago, psykkoman said: Are you admin here? Please stop telling me I am misusing the forum in a post suggesting they have actual admins. It is an actual suggestion like my others and you do not want that to happen obviously. Please just stop misusing this forum. If you wish to discuss matters with me, you can so inside Discord. Thanks. Bones. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Catsbit.Care 2,662 Posted October 5, 2021 @psykkoman @Emo Johnny/Bones @Rose90 @Jester @PIGGY!! Guys, let's all be friends. I want to emphasize some important points: 1. There's just one admin on the servers. If there're players pretending in the chat that they are admins, just know they AREN'T 2. If you see someone violating our terms&conditions in the game, please do not start any conversation with this player, make a screenshot or a video record and send directly to me in private message. Chatting with this player makes no sense and irritates other players. 3. I remind you that the forum is not the place for such discussions, it's just for suggestions/questions/bugs. It really takes too much time reading all these messages instead of repplying some important messages. Let's make fun, not war! ? 1 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 I usually record all my game play as I edit some stuff into youtube videos, but have only been on this game for about a week now so wasn't recording me figure it out. I do however have a video I found editing last night that he indeed said he was admin in. I will post it to my youtube channel tonight under my same name I am everywhere on the internet so anyone can see. I will also be recording everything from here on out, so people cannot say I am doing wrong when and to encourage a safer environment through accountability. Thanks for letting me know there is someone out there paying attention besides "volunteers". I look forward to playing on servers this guy is not on and making some epic videos for all to enjoy!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo Johnny/Bones 114 Posted October 5, 2021 23 minutes ago, psykkoman said: I usually record all my game play as I edit some stuff into youtube videos, but have only been on this game for about a week now so wasn't recording me figure it out. I do however have a video I found editing last night that he indeed said he was admin in. I will post it to my youtube channel tonight under my same name I am everywhere on the internet so anyone can see. I will also be recording everything from here on out, so people cannot say I am doing wrong when and to encourage a safer environment through accountability. Thanks for letting me know there is someone out there paying attention besides "volunteers". I look forward to playing on servers this guy is not on and making some epic videos for all to enjoy!! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah CATSBIT MODERATOR JUST TOLD YOU TO STOP I AM THE OWNER OF THE DISCORD THIS MAKES ME AN ADMIN WE NEVER SAID ADMIN ON THE GAME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rose90 26 Posted October 5, 2021 Acting a bit like a Karen aren't we? Don't answer that, we know the answer. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 5, 2021 I am not a child, a teeny bopper, or a karen... this is an example of the level of toxicity these players have and will have even here in forum. They call me child but look at this post smh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rose90 26 Posted October 5, 2021 I cant do this with you anymore. Stop replying, stop talking to me. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psykkoman 11 Posted October 6, 2021 All I wanted was to play on a server these guys were not on a power trip in. I even left the server. I truly just want to farm and build the biggest pyramid I can and record people raiding it. Mod, I truly thought this would be a suggestion with context, I apologize for them coming into my thread I posted and being immature. I am only so mad because they are calling me a liar and a child, when I simply wanted to the players to not feel bullied by people saying admin in chat constantly letting people assume they are in game admins as I and others did. However, Jester did say they were in game admins, so why wouldn't we assume it? I just hope the whole chat is logged like bones kept saying in game. I agree with rose we need a block option, but that would not have solved half the server thinking they were admins. I will record any further problems, upload them and email the mod a link to avoid another interaction like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jester 2 Posted October 6, 2021 So I came into thread because my name got mentioned as I said in above reply, I also admitted to saying I was admin in game, I also mentioned players using & also bragging about using glitches. I haven't been toxic in forum in anyway at all same with the game & if u want to directly quote what I said in game . I said I was a "silent partner" so please if u are going to mention my name make sure u can direct quote as to avoid confusion. Please don't mention my name again this is childish b.s & I want to be left out of it & simply play the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ツ☬꧁ᑕYᑭᕼEᖇᑭK꧂☬シ 14 Posted October 6, 2021 Damn dude i cant see these text stuff cuz i cant play de game anymore lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites