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Everything posted by Alex9825

  1. You are a crying kid that is crying in the forum
  2. Shadow give it up, you lost
  3. that is bitch trap the lying hoe
  4. You are more of a pest you 13 year old
  5. Piss off nazi, everyone knows you are a nazi.
  6. Shadow fox, shr and don dont kill people they help to get rid of srs, trash talk
  7. Sad, catsbit we are waiting for a serious answer
  8. You do realize that they can get banned again, or getting in serious trouble if they dont accept the rules, you are just being kind of rude here.
  9. Is it possible to ban people, i know it is not developed yet, but i hope you can soon ban people that are doing stuff that is just disgusting, banning Srs clan from the game would be a nice regeneration for the catsbit/Sandbox3d community, i hope we will get a better update soon. Alex.
  10. No i wont because it is unfair and bug using.
  11. Hello catsbit team, i saw this gun glitch many times and even tested it, if you press shoot and then when you press the aiming button you get a auto fire glitch, please fix this, the glitch was in sandbox since the guns came and it is very unfair against normal players.