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  1. Jut

    Santa's Sleigh

    Hello, I wonder if Santa's Sleigh on the Winter Spin, if it is only for one person or it can be 2?? Thanks
  2. Jut


    Hello! I wonder if you are going to put Female And Masculine Avatar into the game?? Because at the moment it only exist a generical avatar for everybody. And I wonder if you are going to put Latam Servers again as Brasil or Argentina regions like before. Thanks 😁
  3. Jut


    Hello, maybe you did not read de F.A.Q post. It says that they just introducced at the game. They are working on the Anti-cheat system and a lot of stuff, these gonna arrive on the next updates. You have to understand that they bought the game just a few days ago, Rome was not built in a day 🙌
  4. Jut

    Hello from HYPERHUG Team

    I was waiting for this for 3 year omg thanks a lot for save the game from hackers and thaks @Catsbit dev for take this decision we all knew you needed help with game so thanks a lot and we are always going to remember that you Catsbit has made a wonderful game you alone 💜 And for the new devolpers, again, thanks so so much for this. I am an old player, with everything bought each item each event all all and I am a poor 23 years old boy so imagin how much I loved and I love this game. The biggest problem always were hackers and now finally the big waiting will finaly end and this game gonna be finally complete 🤩 Cheers from Uruguay 🇺🇾 (I am latin so I am sorry for my English haha) I upload a screenshot of my first purchase on game to show my real loyalty and love for this game 🥰
  5. Jut

    Prime Br Server

    Hello, I wold like to ask if you wonder to open a Br Prime Server?? We are a lot of LATAM people playing and the 2 Prime Servers that already exists, give lag to us when we play there. Thanks 🤠
  6. Jut

    Servers News

    But yes, you have the responsability. How long has it been since hackers invaded the game? They have been there since the beginning. You never implemented a good Anti-Cheat system and these are the consequences. I am a user who has absolutely all the paid items in the game, because it is a game that I love. And it is so sad to see how little by little it falls due to not having a good Anti-Cheat system. My humble advice is to seek help from other developers who can save this great game.
  7. Jut


  8. Jut


    It's Oxide Birthday and you did not put any event or disscount?? My god...
  9. Add the option to gift prime to Friends. So we can buy primer for others. And also make a Prime BR server. Thanks!
  10. When you ban hackers then they make other account and the cicle repeats again and again. Ban IP Adress! This maybe Will not stop all hackers cus VPNS, but will help so much. Thx
  11. Los servidores BR 2 y 3 no están. Por qué?
  12. Jut

    Important Poll

    That's so fake. Look at the most famous game of this category "Rust" or for exaple "Last Island of Survival" or the new game coming "Proyect Evo". Sleepers are the solution for pvps and raids, cus people disconnect when they are about to die or in raids they disconnect with everything and that is what is making the game not growing up.
  13. Jut

    Important Poll

    The real big problem that you should change: people can disconnect in front of your face with all the loot. And when you raid a base that happens too, there is nothing inside bases cus people disconnect with everything. You should change that, make the avatar lie down on the floor when people disconnect like they were sleeping...
  14. Hey, I am Uruguayan so I'm so sorry for my english. 1-Drinking water from the sea/land ? 2-Raids/Pvps: When you disconnect, body should lie down like sleeping and not disappear. Because raids are not profitables 'cause people disconnect with everything and in pvps too. ? 3-An Idea for your Game economy: currently, the store offers special items only on special dates and then the store disappears till next year on same date. So players maybe dont play too much all year and they leave the Game; but they wanted to buy the special stuff before they leaved the Game... And that si money that you could collect but you didnt. My idea is: Dont delete the special items and wait one year to put them back again, just keep them on store and when the special dates are coming again, put new items. So the store gets bigger, its atractive, it keeps the motivation and espectative of people on these dates, and you guys can get more money all year and more on special days so you can use it to make the Game much better. Thanks.
  15. Jut

    Copter Bug

    Nop, I did it and It doesn't works