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Everything posted by Slick916

  1. Slick916

    Update 2023

    Bro it better be good especially how long we waited on telegram it says there is a hack ready for the update
  2. Slick916

    Update 2023

    Bro it better be good especially how long we waited on telegram it says there is a hack ready for the update
  3. Slick916

    Help me

    Delete 1 friend and you can log in
  4. Slick916

    Update 2023

    Thank God I really hope the anti cheat system works a hell of a lot better. But I look forward to the update and you guys should have items for sale for the 1st week of update like all shop items... @Catsbit.Care
  5. Discord is banned in iran as well, so how are you using that without a VPN? Sounds like you know all about vpns and bypassing a banned app. So your using telegram to fucking liar
  6. Hahaha what's wrong you use hacks too ??? now another hacker kills you and you have the balls too report him. You are weak
  7. Well bro the devs check game logs, and they see if a player uses hacks or not. So if they banned you they caught you cheating plain and simple ??
  8. Age restricted words?? Like fuck, shit, etc?? These kids talking about fuck your mom and I hope she dies and kill yourself. I have been playing this game since it first came out, I have seen it all the kids are worse then adults
  9. I posted saying that this is far as the game is getting developed and the developer gave up... why did you delete my post if it's not true huh buddy??
  10. Aimkill, he killed 3 of us with ar in 2 seconds
  11. He says you can't ban him because catsbit can't do shit was his words. He uses guided bullet and snapshot
  12. US1 all russians are cheating this one killed me with aimkill.
  13. Slick916


    He wants admins on the servers
  14. Then on top of full metal armor and 30 medkits, you have squads of russian hackers that kill you in 10 seconds lmao... it's pointless to play until the devs stop being lazy and adding unnecessary stuff to the game. And there anti cheat system is a joke, the only way cheaters will stop is if there is in game admins that is the only way...
  15. This game used to be fun, then catsbit stopped caring about there players and people spending money on this game while they make money and allow hackers to over run this game. It is unplayable. This game will never be fixed until admins are added to the game until then this game is trash.... you made money off of people and basically hustled them because whats the point of playing if every minute your getting killed by another hacker. It's fucking ridiculous plain and simple. Step your game up and stop being lazy plain and simple
  16. Slick916


    But as of right not useless
  17. Absolutely agree, if they added trusted moderators in each server. Problem solved instantly its not that difficult
  18. I'm done with this game until you fix it it, there are lots of other players who are quitting as well until its fixed.. way to many hackers...
  19. This is a great game but until you can ban hackers, this shit sucks. We pay money for prime we pay money for lots of things, yet hackers still run crazy on all servers. You need to fix this or this game will be no longer playable and you will not make money
  20. Keeping the items locked makes hackers have to work for it too, everytime they get banned they have to grind all over again, it is a very move to keep items locked. Earn it