Mohamed dz

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Everything posted by Mohamed dz

  1. No time for this man we have more important stuff Like recycling stuff for scrap and shops .triangle foundation . Crossbow . Aim sencivity . Gyroscope. Horses and cars to travle And more ....
  2. No time for that rn we have more important things
  3. This game is about rust and that is why we are here
  4. And before developing the anti cheat can u first remove the guest loging so thay have to create another email Btw discord have a option u can not create a discord account with a new created email If its possible add this option to make it harder for cheater
  5. I respect that u don't rush the banes but he was clearly faster than me in the and of the video And he was flying this morning u should just ban all the invisible names they do it so they avoid getting banned
  6. If u are talking about the buttons yeah i play with 5 finger
  7. Remove the guest login option so thay have to create another email account not just clone the app
  8. Mohamed dz


    Remove the guest login option so thay have to create another email account not just clone the app
  9. 2 others
  10. The rocked splash is broken since the game came out 1 rocket destroy the tc behind 2 walls
  11. Mohamed dz


    Yeah u have to keep the anvil open Btw i recorded 3 cheaters in player report pls ban quickly
  12. Omh ppl actually think like ....u think calling devs trash devs will make them ban ppl blindly Didn't you think that a player can tell his friends to target someone cuz they hate him Can u tell me your age pls
  13. A lot of noobs dont like gyro cuz they dont know how to use That explains it ?
  14. Stop posting reports without videos devs are not reading posts because of this
  15. Lol just cuz u dont know how to use gyro dont complain about it cuz many ppl wants it
  16. Pls add gyroscope in the next update remove the spring button and allow button size changing unduvidualy
  17. Cuz u are avoiding the question just give an approximate date and if u qvoid answering again dont blaime ppl when they ask again
  18. Is it this month or the next one
  19. We need monuments with good loot to fight for Make the game harder that will create a skill gap between players and that is how u attract hardcore gamers that will create content and help the game get more popular Add Recoil and make the best weapon is the ak like pc rust Copy the values of crafting from pc rust so u don't have to keep changing until u find the sweet spot Add aim sensitivity and gyroscope Remove the spring button Ability to change the opacity of buttons