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Everything posted by Afriend

  1. I do love the new map and things but with the ability to pick things up we really need tc to have more health atleast as much as a wood door is that possible?
  2. Ya something is wrong with guns and the audio for actions
  3. Afriend


    Us1 more hackers Screen_Recording_20220410-095752_Parallel Space 64Bit Support.mp4
  4. The Chinese are getting ridiculous on server 1
  5. Afriend


    So many hackers game is almost unplayable now walls don't even protect you
  6. Well hopefully it's fast no point In updating if everyone leaves the game because servers are full of cheaters
  7. This is ridiculous
  8. Afriend

    Bug abuse

    May have received I dm catsbit care no ban server 1 saw him yesterday still
  9. Their is no reason a player should be sitting under stone foundations how is it not obvious that its not a function of the game ,abusing obvious bugs shouldn't have to be put in rules who would defend this except a foundation camper
  10. Hhhhbb Is definitely running around with aimbot sadly not worth going out with him and the lt guy from my post (leo the boss) is his real account
  11. Afriend


    He just killed me again please address this
  12. Afriend


    About 1 39 apologize for language in video but it's been constant cant play
  13. Was referring to the usual ad block,appreciate the info on current issues
  14. They have been trying to figure it out during the video going to the home screen and back if restarted phone and still not better often works
  15. Wierd thought was just broken
  16. Thank you for quick response
  17. Afriend

    Bug abuse

    He does it so he doesn't get killed
  18. Afriend

    Bug abuse

    Ahahua is still on us2 abusive the foundation bug
  19. Ahahua hides under foundation
  20. I agree with Mohamed until hackers are reduced it is our only defense I don't mind being raided by legit players
  21. He can make it were you can not see him somehow
  22. Please ban this hacker he is ruining the game being invisible
  23. Us server 2 has a invisible hacker ruining the server screenot of his name attached I can not type it