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  1. I play on eu prime and once in while I'm in game and it just dc but when I go back and join the game it shows this error that I'm still in the game....
  2. piller man


    Whenever I join game game is not rendring
  3. Dear @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Devwhen will asia server will add ?
  4. In my oxide I'll get 140-180 ping and I live in india anyone know which is best vpn server to play oxide ?
  5. please add asia server we cant play in high ping we need asia server pleaseee ???
  6. im not able to add video its less than mb but still i cant upload its say uploading failed -200
  7. dear are you gonna make discord server ? if yes so when will you launch server ?
  8. i am not able to chat in game plz help whenever i send chat it doesnt send and no can see my chat plz help and im playing in emulator i think thats why happening plz help
  9. i am not able to chat in game plz help whenever i send chat it doesnt send and no can see my chat plz help and im playing in emulator i think thats why happening plz help
  10. Сервер: [0.3] [eu] oxide #1 Игрок: (a)Dead(/a) Описание: летает, высокий прыжок IMG_3475.MOV
  11. Hello ? pls make loot box to cropse enemy❤️ And It would be great if the fences would be damaged I know oxide is better but this game good for playing with your friend Thank you for reading ❤️
  12. player: Глеб1234erf server: [EU] [0.3] oxide #1 description: the cheater in the city got into the wall textures and killed everyone. IMG_3441.MOV IMG_3442.MOV IMG_3443.MOV
  13. Hi? Pls make delay for lefting game button because some player in pvp get fast left game To not die thank you for reading❤️
  14. Игрок: Хуеплот; ._.ХуЕпЛёТ!! Сервер: [EU][0.3] Oxide #1 Описание: Данный игрок использует такие читы, как Flying, Speedhack, Wallhack. Особенность этого читера состоит в том, что он использует два аккаунта: первый- Хуеплот (основной), на котором крайне редко использует читы, чтобы его не забанили; и второй- ._.ХуЕпЛёТ!! (запасной), на котором он использует читы и нечестным способом получает ресурсы и скидывает все на первый аккаунт. У меня есть два доказательства, что это правда один и тот же игрок: 1) у этих игроков очень похожие ники. 2) скриншот (2шт, смотреть чат). IMG_3403.MOV Я надеюсь, что вы отнесетесь с пониманием к проблеме большинства игроков и поможете нам. (Конкретно я говорю про то, что бан на одном из аккаунтов читера не сильно навредит ему, так как он может создать с легкостью новый. Поэтому можно было бы сделать бан «по железу»).
  15. У игрока странный ник, который не получается ввести на раскладке. (Никнейм виден на обоих видео) Сервер: [EU][0.3] oxide #1 Игрок постоянно использует speedhack, high jump, на видео доказательствах лишь некоторые моменты. IMG_3368.MOV IMG_3367.MOV
  16. There is a hacker he is a chinese hacker his name is 羊吧坏 he is using aimbot and killing every one in the server he is destroying the whole server he uses high jump hack and also wall hack he breaks the cupboard from outside the house and if you are far away from him he can kill you please ban him please
  17. player:itzSimVol_YT FullSizeRender.MOV server: [EU][0.3] oxide #1 using speedhacks, threatenes to use AIM. At this video u can see he’s nickname and full proofs.
  18. There one bug abuser and other pleace ban him for abuse of bugs
  19. Já tem data para próxima atualização,ou vocês desenvolvedores estão trabalhando para próxima atualização? Nós da comunidade queremos uma resposta para ficar por dentro,o jogo está ficando muito chato sem wipe! E a questão dos anti-cheat vcs estão trabalhando nisso? Jogo está cheio de hack de speed! Esse jogo tem muito talento só basta voces querer...
  20. This is good idea and when you drink water bottle and the items gives you empty bottle to refill with dirty water and use the purificator
  21. Quando você está perto de um player, e tentar atirar uma flecha nele, a flecha o atravessa, sem causar nenhum dano, isso ocorre somente quando está perto, quando está longe acerta normalmente.
  22. Add one option for create your owm server and mods servers add more animals amd more weapons and stone pichaxe and stone axe and for new starter kit one big stick for chopp wood and a little stone