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Found 12 results

  1. Server Prime US #35 ID: F60600D8FF76DB50 Hack Of Speed and Scale Houses Report to this player always makes our lives Complicated in the Game. No More Hackers In #Oxide Survival.
  2. hacker en nosotros 35 prime ID:370F61C44F4FCD25
  3. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 5ED85B6A5B9AA87E Name: adoda2.1 #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  4. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. ID: 73FF7770FFDFB365 Name: ссср_дигл.
  5. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: D63AD2B45D708251 Name: [GOTP] KoT #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  6. Hello Developers On the EU 45 server there is a user who is using cheats in the game. and it's making our lives difficult. We cannot enjoy the game with dignity. take action against this person. ID: 5ED85B6A5B9AA87E name adoda2. 0
  7. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 40D419DA27BE8844 Name: [RKN]снилс# NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  8. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 72C78280585C39CB Name: (ЅМ) Мент #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  9. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks. Aimbot autokill,telekill and speed We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 499EC8C236BED127 Name: [Vsq] Данилка #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  10. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 782238FCF7351AB1 Name: [PRO]лимон #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action.
  11. Hello, developers, I back again I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: FE067B2B80ACB6F4 Name: Polikase #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action...
  12. Arctic


    Player:zzzzzputo Id:10D82D802D12D467 Sv: Br 0.3 2# It's been more than 2 months and he hasn't received a ban, we got tired of reporting him in-game and we haven't received any signal from the admins, The player "zzzzzputo" uses hacks (aimbot) so blatantly that he admits it in the chat, he too he is toxic in the chat, we want you to please do something against this player. He is not the only one using hacks, there are many hacks on our server that are impossible to enjoy, people harassing women saying "Bitch, Bitch", and other players following him.