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  1. 100% Vending Machine is NOT SECURE... ScreenShot 1: Set up of my Vending Machine Before yesterdy i found in my VM 100 water (SreenShot 2)... How is that posible when i sell 1K log for 90 water??? So i woold like to test it & i full up my VM last night... Today in the morning when i sceck it i fount (ScreenShot 3) 1K log missing & nothing paymend... i believe there is a bug & some players they found it...! I will continue check it & i will let you all know in comments below...!
  2. Kovax


    Please return the price of the turret or allow me to use pve
  3. 3.5 oxide


    Free transport vehicle horse and boat
  4. Server 8 players are bothered by the server's inactivity, we would like answers!
  5. ID:3B1A1757AC5409B7 NICK:T.O.Tŧŏř Revolver killing 30-60 m Aim-magic bullet shoot in head 40 m
  6. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. ID: 73FF7770FFDFB365 Name: ссср_дигл.
  7. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: D63AD2B45D708251 Name: [GOTP] KoT #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  8. Hello Developers On the EU 45 server there is a user who is using cheats in the game. and it's making our lives difficult. We cannot enjoy the game with dignity. take action against this person. ID: 5ED85B6A5B9AA87E name adoda2. 0
  9. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 40D419DA27BE8844 Name: [RKN]снилс# NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  10. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 72C78280585C39CB Name: (ЅМ) Мент #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  11. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks. Aimbot autokill,telekill and speed We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 499EC8C236BED127 Name: [Vsq] Данилка #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action..
  12. Hello, developers, I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: 782238FCF7351AB1 Name: [PRO]лимон #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action.
  13. Hello, developers, I back again I want to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a person who is using hacks and is making our lives difficult in the game. We ask that you take action against this person. Its id is this: FE067B2B80ACB6F4 Name: Polikase #NoMoreCheaters Thank you Developers for taking action...
  14. WHY YOU CANT BANNING THIS HACKERS? This game is not worth playing anymore ! When you cant banning this hacker ! US 4 : OLD NAME IS ALVI_ALBI AND FARMING 200K NEW NAME IS : PEV . 1 TOP ID : 288F5D377299E73 YOU CAN BAN THIS HACKER??
  15. U cuss use the best survival asset pack for mobile game in unity. Cmon it’s not that hard to add new stuff. Also all the locations use a free asset pack. U guys could just make more locations. We want to explore. @Catsbit.Care To the devs: go to sketchfab and unity type : military base or survival *click* free : View results download free assets : make an airfield add loot spawns and radiation ☢️ in 1 hangar with the main loot ( needs a jump and run puzzle) and voila u have 1 monument done in 1-2 days. And then u add 1 more tool and component from the asset pack ( component doesn’t need a use for now) and then u have an update In 1 week. i wish I could help u guys with the development
  16. RU Здравствуйте, дорогие CATSBIT. Я очень рад что вы это читаете мой вопрос и надеюсь что вы ко мне прислушаетесь, перейдем к делу - так-как ваша игра очень похожа на игру "Rust" я бы хотел изменения, не изученных предметов, так называемые "закрытые предметы" "предметы под замком" и т.д теперь просто нельзя пользоваться предметом если ты его не изучил, именно из-за этого я ушел с оксида и больше практически не играл в него игра превратилась в хвх (hackers vs hackers) игру и гриндилку скрапа для изучений, даже если ты с огромным трудом устранишь топ игрока оружиями по типу (лука, револьвера, топора, и т.д) то ты не сможешь убить людей, которые пришли к нему на помощь просто из-за того что ты не можешь шибануть их той же самой киркой по лбу чтобы устранить или застрелить с винтовки. Во общем-то к чему это я, я бы хотел чтобы вернули все как было то-есть убрали предметы под замком тогда мы всем рф коммьюнити будем вам очень благодарны также хотел бы сказать от всего своего клана в оксиде из 8 человек от всего 0ldClan;а то что мы забросили игру чисто из-за этого если бы вы убрали замкнутые предметы тогда мы вернемся, но если вы не хотите этого делать то хотя бы объясните мне и моему клану зачем это было сделано и для чего. Желаю удачи Уважаемые Catsbit games С уважением:0ldov1y. EN Hello dear CATSBITs. I am very glad that you are reading this my question and I hope that you will listen to me, let's get down to business - since your game is very similar to the game "Rust" I would like changes, unlearned items, the so-called "closed items" "items under lock and key, etc. now you just can’t use the item if you haven’t studied it, it’s because of this that I left oxide and didn’t play it anymore, the game turned into a xvh (hackers vs hackers) game and a scrap grinder for studies, even if you with great difficulty eliminate the top player with weapons by type (bow, revolver, ax, etc.), then you will not be able to kill the people who came to his aid simply because you cannot hit them with the same with the pick itself on the forehead to eliminate or shoot with a rifle. In general, what am I talking about, I would like everything to be returned as it was, that is, they removed the items under lock and key, then we will be very grateful to all of the Russian community, I would also like to say from my entire clan in an oxide of 8 people from all 0ldClan; and the fact that we abandoned the game purely because of this if you removed closed objects then we will return, but if you do not want to do this, then at least explain to me and my clan why this was done and for what. Good luck Dear Catsbit games Sincerely, 0ldov1y.
  17. Use aim bot Nick name cheater : あなたは何もない id cheater : 2506A50612B410B0
  18. HELLO I am a Turkish player and there are many problems in the game. Cheats and bugs are very annoying. Most of the Turks in the game try to play without cheats because they enjoy the game without cheats, but when the cheats are forced to a certain extent, the use of cheats in Turkey has to increase. This requires an urgent update. The game has not been updated for a while. Thanks in advance for your understanding and efforts.