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  1. ============================= Good afternoon, KATSBIT ? I have a problem with my nickname. I would like to change it, if it's not difficult for you, please help me :3 ============================= ((Sorry for my English, I'm Ukrainian and had to translate the text into English)) ? ============================= My ID Profile: LOWER ? 1F0B540E7D80BDD1 1FOB54OE7D80BDD1 ============================= New desired nickname: eto zhe psix ============================= ((There is either zero "0" or the letter "O", I did not understand)) ============================= PROOF: LOWER ?
  2. Hey i just want to say i love this game Soo much, actually i never found game like this before in play store and i hope u can make improve the game soon,add some anti cheat too it's weird game like Rust have a cheat,add mini copter too ?? i love to ride mini copter ,and for the future i can say this game Will better than life after or last island of survival : unkown 15 days,i hope u can focus on this project and make this game better than any survival game,thanks❤️
  3. This game is awesome, I would play it for hours but.. There are some major bugs, and I will try to describe them as clear as possible. Bug #1 - This bug involves multiplayer, whenever I go hunting for animals it goes pretty smooth. I manage to kill them, and loot them. The problem is even after I kill the animal, it still shows for other players that the animal is still alive even though I killed it. So, after that it shows for other players that the animal is killing me, even though I killed it in the first place. Causing me to die on their screen but not on my screen. So, technically I become invisible to other players, and I have to rejoin so my friends can see me again which causes me to lose some of my progress, and tools which I will explain on the next bug. Bug #2 - This bug also involves multiplayer but is not too problematic, it’s just whenever I get loot from other players on other servers I keep on losing them, after I leave the server to join a new one. Which is pretty annoying, because I keep on losing all my tools, and armor. I think this one is huge, because all that progress will just be gone. Causing players to quit, and not enjoy the game anymore. In my opinion, multiplayer has the most bugs. I recommend that the developers should look forward into fixing bugs that involves with multiplayer. I think it will make the game better as a whole, because that is one of it’s biggest attractions, multiplayer.