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  1. Hey Catsbit games i know you know that the hackers have gone mad in this game,but can you do something with hackers most of them gets banned but it keeps getting more and more aggressive,new alt acc with hacks it just keeps getting annoying and annoying when you died of hackers nothing you can do but report on forums but these hackers Leave when they killed a player everytime they change Nickname,If only you can do something with these apk,sites or something where its coming from its hetting annoying, auto aim,god mode etc,Players who get killed by these lead to Deleting the game so please can you fix this???
  2. Some suggestions: 1. Triangle stair 2. Ladder 3. Roof 4. No automatic door close
  3. Please Treiler truck and missions and add bugatti reply me please
  4. Since ur game is running on the Unity engine I have some suggestions: buy the high quality Survival pack: this pack has more detailed weapons, armor and tools and more Since u got the free industrial set: this set features a large variety of assest. Just make some new locations with them. And place them around the map. make the more interesting: add barrels in monuments, add fuel ⛽️ barrels, make solo only servers by adding no code lock ( very simple) suggestions: Fuel barrels ( 3-5 fuel) Stone pickaxe ( 10 sticks 20 stone) large box ( 25 planks 15 metal frags) Components ( spring, gear, propane tank, sheet, rifle body, rope, pipe) recycler ( at every monument) Outpost ( a Zone were u can buy stuff for scrap and u can safely trade. It would have a workbench and a recycler) Airdrops ( a plane will fly over the map and drop an airdrop: every 45min-1h ) Fishing Radiation ☢️ ( only at large Monuments ) vehicles: ( free ones: sedan, Jeep) military crates: ( they would contain 10-20 scrap and components, maybe even a revolver or a shotgun and ammo) Crossbow ( 20 wood ? 15 metal frags, 2 rope) more trees and vegetation ( rivers, lakes, forests) Servers with limited teams: on a trio Server only u and 2 of ur friends can join Smg: ( 2 springs 50 metal, 2 pipes ) Pipe gun ( 15 metal, 10 wood, 1 pipe) grenades: 10 gun powder, 10 metal frags) double door CHANGES: hammer should be no Blueprint make a furnace cost fuel to craft make armor less strong make rockest very expensive Workbench should cost 75 wood instead of 100, but u would need 20 metal frags Hope u like my ideas
  5. VanGlock


    1. Close the foundation so that they do not climb under them and do not steal loot with a bug from the first floor. 2. Add coded locks - the door is crafted without a lock, and the lock can be crafted at your choice: coded (if playing with someone) and regular (if solo) 3. The ability to create a team and invite other people, through the list (which you can also add) or directly at the meeting 4. If possible, add a voice chat. 5. Please fix the sensitivity, it's just that 2.0 does not differ even from 1.0 6. Transfer the windows from Survival Simulator or as in RUST sash (opening window (locked)) 7. Big chests, too, please add, so that you can hang a lock or combination lock. 8. To drop loot from the cabinet and chests when destroyed (borrow from RUST?) 9. Improvement of buildings (stone, iron, maybe into high quality metal) 10. Air Drop can be added to a random point on the map. 11. The ability to swim, for example, with this and cargo you can add oil rigs or something like that (and then suddenly facepunch something you don't like). 12. Sights and add different types of ammunition and some kind of explosive besides rockets. I really like your game, but some bugs spoil the impression, you can add an advertisement button in the menu so that people watch it (so to speak, support) and really would like to see everything that I wrote above in the game? Good luck with the implementation and development, do not abandon the project, maybe Facepunch will want to cooperate or understand that it is possible to port RUST ❤ 1. Закройте фундамент, чтобы под ними не лазили и не крали лут багом с первого этажа. 2. Кодовые замки добавьте - дверь крафтится без замка и замок можно скрафтить на выбор: кодовый(если играешь с кем-то) и обычный(если соло) 3. Возможность создать команду и приглашать других людей, через список(который тоже можете добавить) или непосредственно при встрече 4. Если есть возможность, то добавьте ещё голосовой чат. 5. Почините пожалуйста чувствительность, просто 2.0 не отличается даже от 1.0 6. Окна перенесите из Survival Simulator или как в RUST створки(открывающейся окна(на замке)) 7. Большие сундуки тоже добавьте пожалуйста, и чтобы была возможность повесить замок или кодовый замок. 8. Чтобы выпадал лут со шкафа и сундуков при разрушении(позаимствуйте из RUST?) 9. Улучшение построек(камень,железо, может быть и в металл высокого качества) 10. Air Drop можете добавить в случайную точку карты. 11. Возможность плавать допустим, с этим и cargo можете добавить и нефтяные вышки или что-то подобное(А то вдруг facepunch что-то не понравиться). 12. Прицелы добавьте и разные типы патронов и взрывчатку какую-нибудь, помимо ракет. Ваша игра мне очень нравиться, но некоторые баги портят впечатление, можете добавить кнопку рекламы в меню, чтобы люди смотрели её(так сказать поддержка) и реально хотелось бы видеть в игре всё то, что я написал выше? Удачи вам в реализации и развитии, не забрасывайте проект, может быть Facepunch захочет сотрудничать или поймёт что можно портировать RUST ❤
  6. Hi guys! I’m offering some suggestions with advanced building within Oxide. I hope the community can add on to my suggestions and make a fun topic to talk about! ? DO NOT REMOVE “DOORWAY DESCRIPTION”! I know this is a silly thing to say but I still want the doorway description to be “doorway description”. I think it adds a comedic aspect to the game is funny to look at. So for nostalgia, keep the doorway description! ? TRIANGLE FOUNDATIONS AND CEILINGS These are a big part of Rust and would make a perfect edition to Oxide. They would have a multitude of uses, like airlocks, honeycombing, and just overall fortifications to your base! LADDERS… AND SLANTED ROOFS Ladder raiding would be fun to do and would add another way to move around your base. With that, people can get on your roof with ease. I’ve decided to suggest the slanted roof\ramp as it would allow people to protect their base from ladder raiding and allow them to… ? ROOFCAMP ? bUt Oh WeLl. ? (Don’t forget to add corner and inverted corner sloped roofs) A PLANK BUILDING UPGRADE AND DEMOLISHING BUILDS We’ve all had a time when we were almost done with our base and then… we place a ceiling or something in the wrong spot. It is SO FRKN FUSTRAIGHTING I JUST WANNA BDUHVBAOHCVBSDUOV ?. So a demolishing build option, and a weak, twig foundation would be advised. Also, in the plank description, it says that it is used for BUILDING, so plz make that upgrade plz ?. TRADING WALLS OR VENDING MACHINES Have you ever wanted to trade something or another and not want to be scammed, we’ll this would work for you! Maybe making a trade wall would differ a server economy (Let’s be honest the only economy is people killed others for loot at this point). Also, players could use vending machines (Possibly located at the city) to trade without being online (For example people could log back on and collect their profits at a vending machine) ?. So vending machines should have a safe zone, but in order for you to activate it, you need to wait in it for 5 seconds, meaning you can’t use it to get out of PvP. I hope y’all liked the suggestions and hope to see additions to this topic! Hope everyone has a good day! ?
  7. Si, el juego se centra en construir lo que uno quiera y sin restricciones, pero sí es una alfa con pruebas y errores tendría que serlo, durante los 5 o 6 meses que sigo jugando últimamente hay un gran problema y es el hecho de que la gente hace construcciones ridículas para hacer lag, y si aún no fuese su intención su terreno es demasiado grande, y como hay lag es imposible hacer un pvp limpio, sin contar la gran cantidad de hornos prendidos ? Por eso, pido que en su siguiente actualización pueda haber un limitador de construcción, un cierto número de pisos, techos, paredes, etcétera, por cada armario construido. Y que la suma de armarios afecte igual como si fuera 1, también para los hornos ya que es lo que más lag puede dar aún estando lejos.
  8. Yasin


    1-optimization should come first, the game is tight 2-spears should not be thrown only, we should be able to hit them like sticks 3-loot areas should be expanded and more loot boxes should come and learn items should come out of them 4-we should be able to destroy the walls we made or any builds 5-doors should be able to be dismantled 6-new armor should be added 7-c4 and dynamite should be added 8-don't build close to loot areas 9-knife, crossbow, larger chest, can be put anywhere vertical ladder, steel mine and upgrades, sticks should be added 10- furnace, campfire and torch the fps of the game drops
  9. 1 rockets are splashing through walls and destroying all the stuff inside with just 1 rocket fix the rocket splash 2 cheaters still phase through wall's and doors without getting kicked by the anti cheat 3 ppl are running from fights with disconnecting .... u should go sleep when u disconnect not disappear 4 non recizeable buttons *********All of these are a must in the next update Btw the update is taking too long pls dont make us wait another 1 or 2 months ******** And i wanna report some inappropriate adds which are in arabic ,a girl in dulu app add is literally saying f*** me with ur long di** like what is this .... if u can send only appropriate adds to muslim country ,the apps are bingo live ,popo,dulu
  10. Jeeeeefffffffff


    Things to add 1 add tanks and humvees and apaches 2 add a sea map (doesn’t have to be actual water) 3 increase the limit of props cause I have an iPhone 6 and when it’s the max it’s still running at 60 FPS 4 add the west map 5 let us use EVERY part that’s already in the maps 6 let us buy new guns so we don’t just have the pistol 7 add slopes so we can make proper roofs for our houses 8 add a battleship gun part that we can put on walls for our battleship builds 9 add boat props like Higgins boat tug boat ext 10 add placeable people (do not have to be posable) 11 add a grid snap option so everything will snap to a grid 12 allow us to turn single player worlds into multiplayer worlds (so we can build a motel for ex and then allow other people to play on it) 13 add a friend system so you can play with them again 14 add mad max cars 15 skin creator aka use the clothes from other skins to make your own (costs in game money)
  11. * When we stop a player so he can't delete things, next time he enters again at the same server continue him to not be able to delete things, unless owner allows him again, so when the owner disable him from delete things in his server, be permanent. It's so unfair and it makes people so sad and angry when random people enter the room and start to delete everything like the houses that other players did and other things they puted effort and spent a lot of time to create !!! * Make the system more safe because there are many hackers who get in a room become owners and kick everyone out and destroy everything! Something must be done for this. Thanks for your time ?
  12. 1. Add friends feature so we can add people and be allowed to follow them at the room they currently are and private message them. 2. Add more things to be able to be build like things for shop and office. Thing's with water like fountains, pools and so on. Things for parks like benches, trees, plants and a lot of flowers. 3. Add tropical island map and items! 4. Have some events or jobs people can earn money from, like delivering pizzas and unlock special decoration from completing events. 5. Have personal phone with our contacts in the game so we can easily private chat and find our friends being already in a server. 6. Be able to have pets. (Only in peace mode !!!) 7. Add more things to customize our avatars ! Clothes, hair colors and so on. We need a lot more items to customize our avatar !! 8. Add the feature to make us able to customize the starting screen and not being in jail. 9.Make option available to create role-playing servers so before entering we can choose roles to be displayed under our name above our avatar and have special costumes. Thanks for your time and I really hope to see the friends feature!!! ?
  13. At the current moment there are three(?) main consumables. Meat for food, water bottles for water, and... oh, wait, it's only two. Then what would a third be? Well, this lies in the health consumable department. Here is a list of suggestions made by me related to consumables; items that are a one-time use in order to achieve a certain goal, such as adding hunger/thirst. - Bandages and medkits Bandages and medkits are essential to a survival game such as Oxide. They provide ability to heal actively along with the constant passive healing that comes from hunger and thirst. Here is my recommendation for material cost, amount given, and health healed. Bandage: 5 Cloth for 1x, 10sec to craft. +5HP instantly, +10 HP passively over 30 seconds Medkit: 15 Cloth, 5 Metal Fragments for 1x, 25sec to craft. +20HP instantly, +10HP passively over 15 seconds Bandages and Medkits both require cloth, which as in my last suggestion thread, I stated that cloth needed to have another way to be gained (hemp plants are a great idea), or even delete cloth from being obtained by animals and going for another sole method such as hemp plants (leather to cloth will still give cloth from animals, just in a different way). Medkits require metal due to being actual first aid kits or syringes, along with balancing issues. Both have an animation to prevent spamming for instant health. - Food, but not from animals Yes, currently food doesn't seem to be an issue, but it's not a terrible idea for one reason; food should heal HP, albeit a much smaller amount than actual meds. Therefore, people should have easy access to another type of food—fruit or mushrooms. Mushrooms can be farmed right next to trees, with a high percent of spawning. They are not as great as a food source as meat, but they do the trick. +2HP instantly, +3HP passively over 15 seconds. +5 Satiation (hunger). They do not have an animation, but they do still have a small cooldown to prevent total spamming. Berries can be farmed anywhere, but most prominently in the grasslands next to the main monument. Slightly better than mushrooms, but not by much, berries may be used in the future for medkits, if they're added. It would give incentive to go the main monument to farm berries, create more PvP, and balance them out a bit more. +7 Satiation. +3HP instantly, +5HP passively over 40 seconds. - Bottles should be able to be refilled. Or rather than the bottles themselves, there should be a refillable water container that can be used to drink water from the ocean or lakes. Of course, this comes with its risks. Without properly sterilizing the water of diseases or other gross things, the player can have a 25% chance to take -10HP over 20 seconds due to infection if they drink a swig of 100mL. They can sterilize this water via campfire. - Consumables should be able to be used via hotbar. Self-explanatory, but I don't really like going into my inventory everytime I need a drink or some food because sometimes I'm going to be standing in the open while doing that. Allow edibles to be used via hotbar, where you tap it, and it's eaten/drunk. That's it so far. Let me know if you have any comments, suggestions upon my suggestions, or questions.
  14. Long123

    Better cars

    I'm not saying it sucks but it would be better if u add more than just 1 seat so people can ride in other people's vehicle and the ability to lock it would be nice so some guy wouldn't just walk up and snatch some player's car
  15. Hey i just want to say i love this game Soo much, actually i never found game like this before in play store and i hope u can make improve the game soon,add some anti cheat too it's weird game like Rust have a cheat,add mini copter too ?? i love to ride mini copter ,and for the future i can say this game Will better than life after or last island of survival : unkown 15 days,i hope u can focus on this project and make this game better than any survival game,thanks❤️
  16. Long123

    Better walls

    It needs better walls or at least a trap the wooden walls are too easy to break they can raid ur base and take all of ur stuff when ur offline or when there's no one to defend it pls add these it's kinda annoying logging in and seeing ur base destroyed
  17. Eren


    Add friend request, report player, account login, more guns, cars and map, and add modes like zombie, capture the flag, team fight, survival modes
  18. hello to whoever is reading this! I have some suggestions, some are compiled from earlier messages and others are my own. I hope you enjoy reading this, wether it's out of boredom, curiosity, or trying to get ideas. 1. transportation suggestions: a form of transportation or speeding up. some ask for cars (unrealistic in ss) but I think that anything from leather boots boosting movement speed to riding boars would work and be realistic. 2. foraging suggestions: maybe add a form of mining as of now all you can do is hit rocks and get metal/stone. cave systems would add an incentive for people to explore, and more ores would provide more time people spend on your game. 3. gun suggestions: add bullets. it's confirmed you're adding bullets, but I think that if you do you should also remove gun durability so people don't have to worry about 2 bars. another thing you might add is magazines, because as of now you can just fire weapons until they break without reloading. 4. building suggestions: maybe you should add stronger walls, such as stone or metal. wood walls aren't very strong and are easy to break into. since stone is about as common as wood, you should make it where you need a lot of stone or stone AND wood to make a stone wall. 5. combat suggestions: you should add metal armor, because leather armor being the best armor is boring af. another thing you should add is an offhand, you could use this to carry a shield (to reduce damage taken) or even wield akimbo pistols. (all it does it increase capacity and fire rate, makes longer reload and lowers accuracy) these ideas probably suck lol
  19. Here are my suggestions: 1: Vehicles (maybe like rideable horses or something) Both Sandbox 3D and Cubic Sandbox has vehicles. So maybe if you would add vehicles in this game, it'll be convenient when you find and hunt animals so that you won't have to go running away from your home, wandering in the forest finding animals and wasting your stamina and hunger bar. 2: Settings for rooms Such as like removing friendly fire, building damage, etc. I'd love to have this suggestion. 3: Better Game Chat Add in-game chat settings for room owners such as deleting and pinning messages, chat cooldown, disabling messages to disappear (so that when you're afk and then you go back, you can scroll through the chat and see what the people in your room said), friendly chat (censoring mature words. This is recommended for children under 13), etc 4: Weekly Coins (Why weekly? because 1 coin each day will be far too overpowered) 5: Player Skins! Since Sandbox 3D and Cubic Sandbox has player skins, then Survival Simulator should do too! Maybe you can use Gems as the currency for buying player skins (You can also add daily rewards as gems or watching an ad for 1 gem or something) 6: Revamped Map The map we have is pretty small, so maybe if you'd expand the map and add more stuff to it, then it would be appreciated. :) 7: Last but not least, save option for rooms Auto-saving maps is broken at the moment, so if you're not gonna fix that, then you can add this. And also maybe some map slots so that you can load a map like how you can save maps and load them in Sandbox 3D and Cubic Sandbox. I hope you can add these suggestions in the next update. Survival Simulator will be more fun if you would. Sincerely, A Survival Simulator Fan ~~
  20. Survival simulator has your largest amount of downloads, and the most potential. If you look in the comment sections of your YouTube channel, you can see that many children are asking for many to be honest... "ambitious" suggestions. In this section I will be talking about anti-cheat and more realistic suggestions. to be frank,survival simulator needs better anti-cheat. there are too many hackers and people cheating. You might want to encourage the youtube community, as it has brought many people to survival simulator. on play store, there is a copy of your game, but made worse "Forest survival" by it's survival sim, but without hunger and they added zombies. Maybe make it possible to loot bodies to like animals. There is a bug where if you get on top of a deer or boar it cannot move. Maybe check out og peace's YouTube channel for ideas too. The biggest problem, I would say are the hackers. If you play it, you will see people asking for hackers to give them free stuff. I got an account just so I could say that the hackers figured out how to kick an owner from the game while leaving a server running. They crashed my game. Maybe make pvp-off servers availible too? Sorry if this is too long
  21. Hello everyone of this forum! Today a new topic fora great "up" for the game. I would like to you read this post at the bottom of it. Thank you! Thaked: Dandan We have the concept of a new generation sandbox game. But the fact that he is a new generation does not mean that he has to stop there. I think an excellent way to make others want to play it would be to add the PC version. Yes, that is the idea. More people use mobile devices to play games, while PC users are less. Even so, it is not so complicated that it is a great addition, as there are games recognized with this system: Multiplatform! I use the PC to play some games, and I know that many of them have first person, especially if we talk about shooting games. I am not influencing the first person view. I'm just giving an opinion. In short, without adhering to many new objects, vehicles or maps, this is a way to get players with more surprises (which players like a lot). As players like updates and news ... this is my opinion for the increase in downloads; PC version! ^ ^
  22. This is a list of things i would like in the game to be 1- A Item That makes players can't build in a medium radius because when u make a house players can easily trap you whit ladders or even trap u inside. Also ladders are mostly hard to break, because if u use a gun the shots just bypasses the wood, the only way for me is white and axe or a bow. 2- A workbench, this makes crafting be more faster (depending on the item). 3- placeable torch, I this I'm meaning that u can put torch (in walls,doors,etc) it would give a decorative touch to a house.
  23. This game has HUGE building potential, especially after you added furniture. The update stimulated me to build. But alas, the prop limit fucked up my fun. So, I love cities. I try to build cities in every sandbox game I get to play. And this game has all the tools - Building blocks, furniture, large maps. But because of the prop limit, all I can build is a TINY FUCKING VILLAGE! I know that you try to meet everyones' demands, but I have a phone that CAN handle more than 1000 props. Seriously! The prop limit is so low, a SINGLE HOTEL is enough to reach it! You once told me that you were planning to add "Expanded Mode", and that's a damn good idea! This is EXACTLY what the community wants! Please, add this mode! If you do, I'll tell God to get you a free space in Heaven. I hope my prayers had been heard.