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  1. Hacker SERVIDOR BR1 ID: 106891076D500860 Player's name: لوم اس
  2. Server: #Br3 ID: 35CC83F2AF28FCF5 Check your history of kills, movements, shots, etc. hacker anti ban. Thanks
  3. Читер, speed hacker, видео доказательства по ссылке IMG_6948.MOV
  5. Забаньте данного читера, по IP, чтоб не когда не мог зайти, спасибо за понимание ! IMG_6755.MOV IMG_6755.MOV
  6. juegaen en br2 tiene hack de velocidad, escalar los muros, trapasar pared pero no se ve en el video id:833FA973C9C5B8B8
  7. PLEASE! BAN THIS HACKER. THANK YOU lv_0_20221216141240.mp4
  8. Dear Catsbit in the us3 is a hacker killing everyone pls ban him 2022_12_10_00_18_07_001.mp4
  9. tiziano


    Hello catsbit, I wanted to lose you, please, an update or a massive hacker ban, it cannot be played, it is already full of hackers. Because of this topic, many people leave the game and even me, there is no way to face hackers, I only ask for speed in solving this, thank you very much for reading this
  10. tiziano


    Hello catsbit, I wanted to lose you, please, an update or a massive hacker ban, it cannot be played, it is already full of hackers. Because of this topic, many people leave the game and even me, there is no way to face hackers, I only ask for speed in solving this, thank you very much for reading this
  11. Please ban this hacker Fast in us20 im Gonna get Raidit Fast pls IMG_0321.MOV IMG_0322.MOV IMG_0322.MOV IMG_0322.MOV
  12. Patrick19


    Sevierville have aim bot, he is hacker his ID is:5E1D478338AAC9B3
  13. Player zenin ID-E9D5167F241F0248 used cheats with aim bots killed a distance of 22 meters there is a video fix I hope you ban the violator
  14. Chlen_v_jope teleported into my base and just killed me. Then he killed me over and over and detroyed my stuff and despawned my gear. He is on u.s.13. I got what screen recordings i can grab. Please patch this. He seemed to have come in through the roof as he landed on my head before i started recording. You can also see that he was despawning my stuff near end of clip
  15. Vífúsofficia 4885FC4E1DF6DBE8 Я Ютубер быстро забанил этого хакера из-за хакеран огие игроки покидают игру
  16. ID: EE11F36CFC53950 Fabishan1 VID-20221121-WA0004_001.mp4
  17. This person is aimbot. he make the game into unfair competition. Please we want the game to be played equally. PLAYER NAME: ЕБУХОХЛОВ Thank you IMG_2192.MOV
  18. mon1k

    Cheat 39eu

    lv_0_20221129141223.mp4 mobizen_20221128_200405.mp4 mobizen_20221128_200405.mp4 mobizen_20221128_200405.mp4
  19. Читер на 7 сервере, не даёт играть, забаньте пожалуйста ссылка на доказательства: ID HACKERA 43BFD7F31A722AB7
  20. ID: 81E778164B779F0E Name: llll1010 VID-20221119-WA0004_001_001.mp4.09c1ebf05739504da0e50654c9736edd.mp4
  21. cheater on the server, I'm killing for 2 seconds, please solve this problem link to proof video