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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Update is already available on Google play!
  2. Please wait, don't update the game
  3. Sorry, we are fixing it as soon as we can
  4. Attention!!! Don't update the game! Sorry, a fatal error occurred during the update. In the very near future, we will release an emergency update 0.3.1
  5. Hi everyone! We are releasing the update for Google Play - servers will be wiped. Unfortunately for us, App Store delays the moderation process, that's why we made a decision to release the update at least for Android devices. All new servers will be tagged with [0.3]. So, update 0.3, what's new? voice chat system of learning blueprints players ranking Russian language new items (separate locks and code locks, high wooden wall & gate, workbench and scrap) players list in the pause menu cupboard authorization friends indicator additional confirm to prevent accidental suicide manual selection of resources in the crafting menu option to disable the blur effect option to mute/unmute the player coordinates on the map store with christmas items What’s fixed: rocket launcher buildings are not showing throught from far away shotgun bug with 2 doors in the same doorway bear does more damage the foundation is strengthened doors close automatically Besides that, we have worked on the anticheat system and optimization. Hope the game runs smoothly on your devices! Enjoy the update! Happy holidays & Merry Christmas!
  6. Unfortunately for us, App Store delays the moderation process We can't wait anymore, we are releasing the update for Google Play
  7. The update is being on moderation for 2 days already. As soon as it's done, we will make an official announcement.
  8. Thanks, but it's not our way to work The update will be ready as soon as we finish it
  9. Catsbit.Care


    i think there will be other features you will appreciate
  10. Catsbit.Care


    In this update no map change
  11. Catsbit.Care


    Erm just a glitch the update is not released yet
  12. Catsbit.Care


    It makes us happy to hear it Everyting should be fine this time, let's keep fingers crossed
  13. Frankly speaking, I don't see any reason why to ban this player from the forum Making fake video? Just don't care Botting fake likes? I gave him a warning, he doesn't do it anymore..
  14. In Apple Store we have 12+ age limitation. Google Play raised the limitation to 18+. I'm not sure, but maybe it varies among countries
  15. Catsbit.Care


    This error can appear when a lot of players try to refresh the server list. Just try later
  17. Thanks, a lot of players have already described this bug and we noted it in our to do list, it wiil be fixed
  18. Could you explain in more details when exactly it kicks you?
  19. Good idea, thanks!
  20. Thank you so much, good job ?
  21. We're at the finishing line. We'll release the update as soon as we can