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  1. I have the blue sky screen bug it annoy me prety much
  2. An hacker huh fcking rocket exploit game ruiner pis of S**t no skils
  3. theres no issuiu but? may man use rocket
  4. bra u use raket me and my fren use bow ;-;?
  5. OH YE pikaboo is 1 of the suckest player ive delt whith a bow
  6. the problem is HAD NO ideawhat server is he
  7. when will the pvp will be fixed ye theres always a 1 person saying BRO THERE FIXING OTHER BUGS yes they have a point but im sick of getting rocket left andright bcus 1ns people had a rocket thell tank themselve whith a millions of rockets and a fun fact theres a hacker in this forum THAT CREATED AN ARMY OF ROCKETS TO DESTROY AN ENTIRE SERVER
  8. well 1 thing if u have that thing u had a hack activated thats what bragamods screen look like
  9. AND send the id of the player