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  1. bellasmith


    I know updates are a lot of work and take time but I was just wondering if there is an estimated time period of when the disconnecting and spawning somewhere else while exiting vehicles bug will be fixed? A few weeks or a few months? Also are you going to be focused on fixing hacking first before fixing anything else?
  2. Rdpitybu


    No dia 31 de Maio foi dito pela própria que a atualização chegaria dentro de 2 semanas. Hoje falta 1 dia para o prazo esgotar. Eu gostaria de saber do que precisa para a atualização ser lançada!
  3. Мы будем ожидать её на этой неделе? Или у вас тругие планы?!?! Заранее спасибо за ответ!
  4. Rdpitybu


    Sugestões: - Adicionar a opção de aumentar os botões separadamente e também acrescentar os botões de demolir e coletar nas configurações de hud. - Adicionar mais servidores da América do Sul, apenas três é muito pouco. - Aumentar a quantidade de slot de minérios da fornalha, apenas um slot é pouco. E quando não tiver mais minérios para serem queimados a fornalha desligue automaticamente.
  5. Hi I am oxide player why there are so many cheaters in this game though I really like it can you make some new updates fix glitches for instance I was in my building someone came named a6oa killed some how under the floor obviously cheating I will $100 in stuff if you bring new products and updates
  6. Faz 2 dias que esses dois estão abusando do bug,por favor da ban neles
  8. Cheaters in EU 8 20220219_1080p(1).mp4 20220219_1080p.mp4
  9. clone


    Using speed hack Server eu 6 20220210_720p.mp4
  10. Всем привет.Вот ещё моя порция необходимых предложений 1)улучшить физику(чтоб нельзя легко залазить на забор,аж бесит когда поставил хорошо забор но все равно все лезут к тебе) 2)добавить лестницу,её так не хватает, особенно при рейдах. 3)добавить статистику,знать сколько ты провел часов в игре. 4)добавить наконец входы через Гугл и так далее. 5)хотелось бы увидеть кусты ,чтоб прятаться можно было(траву можно и подождать когда игру оптимизируют) Как всегда скажу:Главное качество а не количество. xD
  11. Desenvolvedores já tem previsão de quando sai a próxima atualização ou novamente sem spoiler?
  12. clone


    Is it due to bad internet connection or something else ? 20220120-1_720p.mp4
  13. VRO

    pls fix this

    i cant enter the server , kick me out as add ends its has been 1 week i am facing this bug i am so frustrated ?
  14. clone


    Dev pls bring a new update ( if it's just some bug fix it's ok ) now cheaters are increasing day by day i and my team uncounted wall hacker today .If you bring update it's will be impossible to bring new hacks .I hope you will get .If you keep updating the game , it will be hard to hack the game .
  15. clone


    Pls improve controls and PvP
  16. I cant jpin to the server. After the ad, i got kick and then i trying again and again. After that, i got in to thw game but 10 sec later a got kick for no reason. And joining again, got kick again, joining again, got kick again. Spawn at random place, joining again, got kick again and again
  17. Muhammad Arif


    If we destroy the box, tc, furnace in which there is loot using a rocket, will the loot come out on its own?
  18. Dispositivo + Bug ao tentar entrar no servidor. Obs: versão 0 31 Screenrecorder-2021-12-27-05-50-48-232.mp4 Screenrecorder-2021-12-27-05-50-48-232.mp4
  19. Sugestões • Aumente o slot do gabinete. • Depois que o jogador se desconectar, continue dormindo no lugar. • Código de baús. • Outro tipo de baú com mais espaço. • Armadilha para proteger a base. • Mini mapa • Miras de rifle 4X. • Melhore as paredes. • Passa por avião com queda de itens no meio da fábrica. • Doar cama para acompanhantes. • Lanterna em armas. • Dinamite. • Escreva em placas de madeira. Em breve trarei mais sugestões, obrigado por se preocupar com a evolução do jogo.
  20. There is no day without a kick
  21. Name: iceo Time 3-5 p.m/3.12.2021 Reason reported: using speed hack Proof: He always got kick like this tag number
  22. Name: Autrio Reason reported: Toxic and racist on religion Time: 21 Nov 2021, 5:55 - 5:58 Server: US #3 Explaination: my friend kills kill people to get loot. After that, a victim who was killed by my friend was angry and insulted us, our religion and our god. I'm really angry. Hope you finish it Catsbit
  23. Name: friendly jon Reason reported: Toxic and Insulting religion Server: US #3 Time:10 Nov 2021, 5:00 p.m Explanation: I kill people. There was a victim whom I killed angrily and insulted my religion and my friends (Islam). He also insulted the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He kept insulting me to the point of saying “I raped your mother” in our language. Please be clear.
  24. Este jugador se solo entra en todos los servidores a decir cosas racistas, a chicas y chicos, a mi me empezó a escribir en el servidor, EE.UU 2, Y YA ESTOY HARTA DE LEER TODAS LAS PORQUERIAS RACISTAS Y ESTUPIDAS QUE ESCRIBE, no solo a mi si no a todos los jugadores que hablamos español, o de algún país que el odia...por favor haga algo ...tengo más imágenes que no me permite subir
  25. We need admin server to take care of the server.