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  1. Please ban ID: D241493AFAB08E5B
  2. ID:282CBA77FFB15E9F SERVER:EU104
  3. ID :647B3B1A2694B156 Hacker Aimbot #US 35 Prime
  4. ID :647B3B1A2694B156 Hacker Aimbot #US 35 Prime
  5. ID 647B3B1A2694B156 #US 35 Prime Name: CLNReix
  6. Hacker us 6 Id:A700F19E6C8A36ED
  7. Serv:15 US. F16AAB673F6A82DC.
  8. Cheating: ВАСЯ 4545 ID: FEAEE7029558EF3D Server: [EU] [3.0] Oxide #32 Video proof:
  9. Hacker us 6 Shutgan 1 amo
  10. On US Prime server #35 there is a hacker with aimkill screwing everyone using Tramaps and you do nothing about it. We are already tired of so many hackers and you do not take measures against them. Do something about it this person should not continue screwing up our gaming experience. Its ID is: 2F8072EEEA9CA5B4 Name MikanzZ US Prime #35
  11. Player using aim bot and flying hack kill me please ban him. Hacker ID (1) 59AE5D53BA2576CA Server name #45 Video proof 1 video 2video
  12. 1.Сервер [EU]#7 2.описание ситуации: езжу на багги и нахожу сразу 4 читера. 3.используемый софт у читеров: Speed hack, magic bullets, aim. 4. Айди бедолаг: 1.6EE5FCD762807C95 2.8A68A2CB948F37C7 3.591A658DCF2D9BE7 4.D7723072BD1B7649 5. Видео доказательства присутствуют ниже: Видео #1: видео #2:
  13. US25 Crouch ruun id:8DE63FB1BAA799A9 LVL:11
  14. 2CECE8848D5FEAED -aim speedhack, spiderhack 10 lvl 6124206B31B06700 - 15 lvl team with hackers 371E6E017D7C54C7 - speedhack VIDEO PROOF: ban pls this team of hackers
  15. Hacker us4 using aimbot and kill me here id 59C575686A57ACFA
  16. Hacker aimbot using pickaxe and speed hack spider hack plz banned I have video proof:
  17. Hacker use Aimbot US #13 Id : 5AF0078D75707FE2 Server : US #13 He uses cheats, the entire server is very tired of this person. We don't want more hackers in the game. Banning this person is making our lives difficult in the game.
  18. I am struck in radiation zone centre please help me in server #45
  19. US4 JUMP HACK AIM KILL id:C1A57C81F0A21C87
  20. Legit hacker im not gonna lie ID : DDA265968C479662 ihave prof but ucant believe cause lag device
  21. Eu 8 ban please NİCK NAME:Emirhan922