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Found 49 results

  1. Здравствуйте, забанили по ошибке 3 года назад ещё старые разработчики, за читы которых и не было, можете пересмотреть аккаунт? Вот скриншот.
  2. Забанили давно еще в 2024 я написал на форум но мне до сих пор не ответили из за этого пишу заново На акаунте был 17,5 лвл Забанили за сторонний АПК хотя я скачивал его с официальной ссылки так как у меня была такая уже проблема В конечном результате я получил бан навсегда Прошу рассмотреть мою жалобу и разблокировать мой аккаунт Айди присутствует на фото
  3. Player¹: 7644E506107B44E9 Player²: B7E51E7F41D3843 Server: [us25] {Banned}
  4. Lvl 10 VIPP تخب دب گس بون ID:20A75CC8F3FC472C He is using aimbot so I killed fast please make an action banned him immediately. Thank you
  5. ЧИТЕР БАН ПЖ АЙДИ ЕГО id 2B09308216A33526
  6. Hello, dear Developers, the account was banned for using third-party programs, I would like to know if it was an erroneous ban or not. ID: 72B94F533B13A65 As the account owner wrote, "I kicked through the foundation, during PVP through the foundation many times in a row. I didn't play with cheat, because I bought Prime to play away from cheaters. I am looking forward to your response, Dear Developers, Moderator of the forum.
  7. Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
  8. Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
  9. Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
  10. Здравствуйте разработчик вы забанили меня из-за ошибки, я играю по честному без мошенничества. У меня 16 лвл, куплены донаты:Багги, Турель, Коптер. Есть видео доказательства Имею Ютуб канал и я один из тех кто продвигает вашу игру надеюсь вы найдёте ошибку и разбаните мой аккаунт id:398806A6FF29EB38
  11. Меня 😷 просто забанили за фарм дерева прошу вас разбан ник [MIR]ZXCPOT
  12. Serv: 75 EU C8DC0CB1F702EFB5
  13. Serv: 15 US EDE793F0F2949F06
  14. ID 34A94CC681468FFE Hey use aimkill and aimbot please banned
  15. (CC2)kill 34A94CC681468FFE He use aimkill and aimbot Level 15 Server 16 US Baneed please Evidence
  16. On US Prime server #35 there is a hacker with aimkill screwing everyone using Tramaps and you do nothing about it. We are already tired of so many hackers and you do not take measures against them. Do something about it this person should not continue screwing up our gaming experience. Its ID is: 2F8072EEEA9CA5B4 Name MikanzZ US Prime #35
  17. Hacker pls banned 81F5EE727EF8A106 10Lv us5
  18. EU #9 Hackers JUMP-AIM-MAGIC BULLET-Speed [ID:1DA862F4BF09273A] Clan: AKA Nickname:[AKA] coconut (!!) Proof: @Catsbit.Guard
  19. Hello developers, I wanted to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a hacker using cheats within the game. We are already tired of this type of players we would like you to take action against this player Name: [GOTP] KoT iD: D63AD2B45D708251 server EU 45 #SaveOxideNoMoreHackers.
  20. Banned just like that I’ve never played with cheats
  21. [Ru] Айди: 4B9F896AB8784DAF Суть жалобы: данный игрок используют телекил Доказательство; ниже Сервер: 88[Eu] [EN] Id: 4B9F896AB8784DAF The essence of the complaint: This player is using telekill Proof: below Server: 88[Eu]