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Found 15 results

  1. Sven

    a poll

    a very goofy poll
  2. Personally, I think that sb3d needs more helicopters and mototcycles aswell as other vehicles (cars). Also make it to where you can shoot out the car and be shot from outside the car
  3. Alot has changed from 2020. Nazis and soviets have attacked. A major change I see is rp has fallen. A good side effect is sex servers are down. Despite what most believe, I hate sex servers. I preferred the bars. What we need though is a way to combat people who are in clans. My idea is a armor system, which can be bought and equipped like weapons.
  4. LRO


    Hi. Add electricity.
  5. * When we stop a player so he can't delete things, next time he enters again at the same server continue him to not be able to delete things, unless owner allows him again, so when the owner disable him from delete things in his server, be permanent. It's so unfair and it makes people so sad and angry when random people enter the room and start to delete everything like the houses that other players did and other things they puted effort and spent a lot of time to create !!! * Make the system more safe because there are many hackers who get in a room become owners and kick everyone out and destroy everything! Something must be done for this. Thanks for your time ?
  6. Long123

    Better cars

    I'm not saying it sucks but it would be better if u add more than just 1 seat so people can ride in other people's vehicle and the ability to lock it would be nice so some guy wouldn't just walk up and snatch some player's car
  7. I think accounts are dumb I like saying what evete I want that's why I play it if you dont let me say what I want it's not fun
  8. It's been probably almost a year since the gun icon was added is there a date for the release?
  9. Accounts should be added on Sandbox 3D, because there are many people who pretend to be other players, and also if accounts get added on Sandbox 3D, then you shouldn’t be able to pick a username that is already taken by someone else.