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Everything posted by :::

  1. U seem like a bow spamming rocket hater, I am one myself. But the bow is already overpowered as it is. If you can’t kill with a bow then it’s a skill issue. I do agree with making rockets less viable for PvP, but increasing the crafting cost will be quite bad, as this is just a mobile game. Also, I think there should be headshots for melee weapons, and you should be able to use them when running, other than that, they don’t need to be buffed. Otherwise all the other suggestions would make the game waaaaaay too noob friendly by making the bow overpowered. Also, about the hunting sight, they should make a holo sight, but learn how to aim ahem… skill issue. Also, we should have a 25 player increase of players in each server. But horses are a bad idea. In a nutshell, you’re trying to rush Rust content into a game that has a very fragile player base that fluctuates a lot. I only agree with what I have stated here, otherwise I disagree with you.
  2. :::

    Just a few words

    Can you PLEEEAAASE nerf rockets in the big fix. All people do is 2 shot me with rockets. I lose all my loot to some noob who figured out how to shoot. Please nerf player rocket damage to make skill required in the game like before. Please. I need to have fun again. @Catsbit.Care
  3. :::

    Just a few words

    Can you PLEEEAAASE nerf rockets in the big fix. All people do is 2 shot me with rockets. I lose all my loot to some noob who figured out how to shoot. Please nerf player rocket damage to make skill required in the game like before. Please. I need to have fun again.
  4. :::

    Collision Bug

    Dear Catsbit, I have recently been having trouble with the new collision system you guys put inside of the update. Whenever you are up close between two objects, you will hover in place and not be able to move. I have lost countless hours and resources due to this bug because people would just look at me and shoot me in the face. I hate getting stuck here. This happens around the toilets inside of the gas station, boxes inside of the town, and ramps that lead up to foundations. Please fix the collision system. I can’t take dying to even more bugs. Best regards, :::.
  5. I think we need to nerf rocket damage. Though I think that this should come in an update where the guns are fixed. So I think when the guns come back, people will stop rocket spamming.
  6. I agree. The damage particle was changed to a rock breaking particle. This can be easily changed. But one problem involving hit boxes, is that rifles, and other guns are not hitting body shots. These are 2 common issues. Though, I want to say that the colliders in the terrain and objects need to be fixed. I say this because you can get stuck in between 2 objects and cannot get unstuck. This is a minor problem that might take a while to fix. Just a heads up for new players, don’t jump near 2 close together objects.
  7. :::


    Yes, because it ruins the game as it lacks skill to use it, and can destroy bases too easily. This weapon is broken. Though I agree the PvP is broken right now, this weapon is still way too overpowered and must be nerfed for players to have a more enjoyable experience. Also, Ur just some guy who made an account to insult me and complain about a FREE game. Tbh, you should just leave the forums, and the game. I hate to see people like you ruining communities by being toxic brats.
  8. If I had to choose anything for me to suggest first, it would be to nerf the hell out of rockets. Rockets are being used by hackers and no-lifers to effortlessly kill everyone they see. What about building a base? We’ll rockets can break into a really big base with ease. So what’s the point of making a base, when the next morning it’s gone! Please nerf rocket splash damage, and make rockets do less damage to players.
  9. :::

    THE LAG!

    Whenever I join the server there’s always massive lag spikes whenever I try to use the chat. And recently, I just got killed by somebody because everyone was stuck inside of place. But this only happened for me and my friends, so all of us died because no matter what we were all stuck in place. I have no idea what is happening with your servers, but I just lost all my stuff to some random naked because your servers are too laggy.
  10. :::

    Update 0.3.5

    @Catsbit.Care, snasdjhk vahksjdnnveqirnvhowjfevn OM FRKN GOD! THE NEW UPDATE!!! THANKYOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH! CANT WAIT!
  11. :::

    Server wipe on update?

    @Idon'tknow I actually agree now after thinking about it. A bp would be so refreshing and I can just grab a bow and be the best player on the server lol. ?
  12. Maybe make it possible to create creative games where it is just you and local internet players instead of making a PvE game mode, plus why would you grind up a really big base, for no reason? What I’m saying is make a localized creative mode instead of making a sad, grindy mess of PvE. This game is a PvP game, nothing else. Make a creative build server, or local server, do not make public normal rates PvE servers.
  13. Vote for buffing or nerfing these selected features. This is a show of community votes to Catsbit ?
  14. Oh shoot, I did the thing they said I would do… shoot.
  15. Bro, PvE is the most lame thing you could ever add to this game. This game is about PvP, killing, and raiding. Taking away the only aspect that makes this game fun IMP would be dumb. Plus, what would be the point of guns in PvE anyways?
  16. I think dropping your bag will ultimately lag the server, with 70+ people logging on and off. To really refine this idea, do this ? Add a 5 second timer to the disconnect, this way if you log of while in PvP, you will still die. This way you can avoid a fight by disconnecting, but not leave a fight alive. Otherwise, stopping people from disconnecting during fights is a priority second in place to anti-cheat.
  17. I see your passion for the problem ? Me and my friend saw a hacker standing in the air shooting, and everybody, including me and my friend, were killed. Aimbot, fly hacks, and wall hacks are all problems. Thankfully, the next update will have moderators to ban hackers. But I don’t now when the update will come.
  18. :::

    Server wipe on update?

    Oh my bfhdbvhuiedbvhefr god, THANK YOU FOR THAT KNOWLEDGE! Now I now about the cheating situation! Thx ?
  19. I was just thinking how since you’re going to add so many features and how cheaters have been a big part of the game for so long, I think it be only normal to do a item wipe. I say this because there’s a bunch of items that cheaters have taken out of the system so many times and I feel as if all of those should be wiped when cheaters can no longer do their thing. But I do not want to wipe BPs because people have definitely worked a little too hard to get those so don’t BP wipe. So, what are ya’ll thoughts?
  20. I kinda agree with you, because you have to put in less effort to make something. Also, although this game is basically Rust Mobile, having rates similar to Rust would be ridiculous! Since this is a mobile game, it should require less time and effort to get the resources required to start up. ?
  22. Hi guys! I’m offering some suggestions with advanced building within Oxide. I hope the community can add on to my suggestions and make a fun topic to talk about! ? DO NOT REMOVE “DOORWAY DESCRIPTION”! I know this is a silly thing to say but I still want the doorway description to be “doorway description”. I think it adds a comedic aspect to the game is funny to look at. So for nostalgia, keep the doorway description! ? TRIANGLE FOUNDATIONS AND CEILINGS These are a big part of Rust and would make a perfect edition to Oxide. They would have a multitude of uses, like airlocks, honeycombing, and just overall fortifications to your base! LADDERS… AND SLANTED ROOFS Ladder raiding would be fun to do and would add another way to move around your base. With that, people can get on your roof with ease. I’ve decided to suggest the slanted roof\ramp as it would allow people to protect their base from ladder raiding and allow them to… ? ROOFCAMP ? bUt Oh WeLl. ? (Don’t forget to add corner and inverted corner sloped roofs) A PLANK BUILDING UPGRADE AND DEMOLISHING BUILDS We’ve all had a time when we were almost done with our base and then… we place a ceiling or something in the wrong spot. It is SO FRKN FUSTRAIGHTING I JUST WANNA BDUHVBAOHCVBSDUOV ?. So a demolishing build option, and a weak, twig foundation would be advised. Also, in the plank description, it says that it is used for BUILDING, so plz make that upgrade plz ?. TRADING WALLS OR VENDING MACHINES Have you ever wanted to trade something or another and not want to be scammed, we’ll this would work for you! Maybe making a trade wall would differ a server economy (Let’s be honest the only economy is people killed others for loot at this point). Also, players could use vending machines (Possibly located at the city) to trade without being online (For example people could log back on and collect their profits at a vending machine) ?. So vending machines should have a safe zone, but in order for you to activate it, you need to wait in it for 5 seconds, meaning you can’t use it to get out of PvP. I hope y’all liked the suggestions and hope to see additions to this topic! Hope everyone has a good day! ?
  23. :::

    For DC guy

    I think a 5 second timer is good enough, so they can’t log of in the heat of PvP, but they can get off before PvP. This way the attacker doesn’t have to waste time or ammo, and the defendant has a chance to avoid PvP. But before this can be addressed, I feel that the cheaters should be dealt with first, as logging of when cheaters try to kill you is the only way to survive at the moment. But spawn camping is for overkill losers IMP. So after the cheaters are dealt with, a 5 second timer should suffice. ?