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  1. Server EU68 ID: 950BCC5A8E61C336 Aim hack and Speed hack.
  2. Hello developers, I wanted to inform you that on the EU 45 server there is a hacker using cheats within the game. We are already tired of this type of players we would like you to take action against this player Name: [GOTP] KoT iD: D63AD2B45D708251 server EU 45 #SaveOxideNoMoreHackers.
  3. This game is garbage and we have gave it long enough for you to fix the hacking problem, every anti cheat just lasts for about maybe a day if that. People pay money for items and coins etc. And then you fix things like cant share paid items with friends because you say its against the terms and conditions, well guess what bud it's against the terms and conditions that cheating is prohibited but you didn't fix that at all. So again this game fucking sucks and I recommend to all players to boycott this game and make them lose money until they fix this shit. Go ahead and ban me I don't care. I will make another account then another then another then another I will show how it feels like in the game when that's how easy it is to make new accounts to hack
  4. Will there be an update for thanksgiving it would be very nice even if it is a small one, and please make an update later where there is certain servers that have scary things like demons and zombies it would be awesome and make a PVE AND PVP Server like that!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  5. Server: 78 EU Nickname: adidas ID: D85C74FFD83068F1 Ban as soon as possible!!!
  6. server: us 0.3 #2 ID:1EA550CB85C12BD1
  7. Sever:46 ID:DBB701FE516E7F9F CLIP:
  8. DIXON

    Bagpack bug

    Please fix this bug: When I have things in my bag and my bag is full, if I want to convert my cooked sulfur into powder, but because my bag is full, the powders disappear, at least make sure that it does not disappear and fall out of the bag.
  9. I have a request Please increase the volume of tc devices in the next update so that we can put more devices in it Sometimes we build a big house and it requires a lot of equipment, and many of the equipment does not fit in 5 square meters in the TC.
  10. почему же вы не можете сделать анти чит? почему вы сидите нахуй пока тупые слабоумные создатели читов все больше и больше ламают игру? вы добавили уровень вы думаете это помогло? от части чучуть но сука тупые малолетние читеры дальше бегают с калашами и убивают всех с аим кила почему же ты иммено нихуя не делаешь @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard @Catsbit.Dev почему вы жирные жопы блять сидите и нихуя не делаете в пользу игры, ты бы мог сделать анти чит и игра процветала И ТЫ БЫ БЛЯТЬ ПОЛУЧАЛ БОЛЬШЕ ДЕНЕГ С ДОНАТОВ почему ты не можешь взять новых модераторов чтобы проверяли жалобы, ПОЧЕМУ ТЫ НИХУЯ НЕ МОЖЕШЬ СДЕЛАТЬ читеры убивают игру а тебе блять похуй на игроков так же на игру!
  11. Name: GOGICH UwU, [VG] Venzey¹,Kovarnyy¹,nekoglai624 ID:1. B3C85AF3B6AFC360 2. 7C969896D4C12A99 3. B83049E5172CB60B 4. A6D6816508A8DB5D Проверьте этих ребят,двое на аиме остальные с вх. Одного уже забанило,факт читерства был потвержден.
  12. Olá, Catsbit! @Catsbit dev @Catsbit.Care Espero que estejam bem. Para a próxima atualização, poderiam verificar se é possível adicionarem novas portas e janelas? A janela de madeira há hackers que usam o clamsy move para atravessar a janela, e automaticamente entram em nossa base. Segue sugestão de portas para adicionar. *obs, são portas automáticas.
  13. Hello Cats Care / Cats Dev @Catsbit.Care Há um erro com o item novo, o Caldeirão. Sei que o item é usado para cozinhar somente comidas, porém há um bug que quando o servidor reinicia, tudo o que está nele desaparece. Inclusive minérios, madeiras, e as comidas. Por favor, conserte isso o quanto antes, pois eu já perdi mais de 5k de ferro e sulfur por causa desse bug. Outra coisa, ao invés de ele ser usado como uma simples fogueira, porque não coloca a interface dele como uma fornalha? Assim ficará melhor, e poderá ser usado como uma fornalha para minérios também. Espero que você dê atenção devida para esse post. Obrigado!
  14. Hello, I have a request from the respected developer My request to you is to reset everything in the next updates, but don't reset the level Because it is very difficult to raise it, and the second point is that no one dares to cheat and hack with a high level, and because of this, hackers will leave the game and the game will be lively and exciting. Thank You.❤️
  15. 3 hacker player online in server 4 US Id 1= 2941806889F27011 Id 2= E86BD1D1F2C9DE29 Id 3= CB7B68A65B1DB8CE Please bann Thanks♡
  16. I'd player= 4337515A27978C39 Server= 4 US Please bann in player Killed me op loot @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard
  17. This hacker killed me😡😡my loot 2 k metal 2500 sulfur 1 k stone🤬 I'd player= 8498C6DEC10A5169 Server= 4 US Please bannnnnnn
  18. Hacker US4 Aim Kill speed hack 2D41AA6870354C89 please banned
  19. Hacker speed hack and aim bot and spider mod Server= 4 US I'd= 145A501358849C81 I'd= 3CC530AB50EDA542 @Catsbit.Guard please bann
  20. Hacker speed hack and aim bot and spider mod Server= 4 US I'd= 8DFE9DAE1E712CF2 I'd= C27640795B0BF90C
  21. Hacker speed hack and air jump and aim bot I'd in server 4 US= E2DD3C80FB7D6AC0 I'd in server 1 BR= 6DB64D72880B3CC4
  22. Hacker aim bot and speed hack and air jump To server #4 US 3 player Hacker I'd 1= C27640795B0BF90C I'd 2= D7750D8DA256EA2B I'd 3= 185FAAA92D78E652 Please banning 3 player
  23. Skin armario armas cama y armadura helicóptero para 5 o 4 personas por favor