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  1. banned please
  2. Dear Oxide Survival Team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Samar, and I am writing to express my interest in applying for a moderator position in your captivating game, Cats Bit. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the game and have been impressed by its engaging gameplay and friendly community. With this application, I aim to contribute to the growth and positive atmosphere of Oxide Survival, ensuring that all players can enjoy a respectful and inclusive gaming environment. As an avid player of Cats Bit, I have developed a deep understanding of the game mechanics, its community guidelines, and the challenges that players encounter. I strongly believe that a strong moderation team plays a crucial role in maintaining the harmony within the game, fostering a respectful atmosphere, and addressing any concerns promptly and fairly. Here are a few reasons why I believe I would be a valuable addition to the Oxide Survival moderator team: 1. Experience: I have served as a moderator in various online communities, including gaming forums and Discord servers, where I have honed my skills in conflict resolution, enforcing community guidelines, and promoting positive interactions among players. 2. Communication Skills: I possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, which are essential for addressing player concerns, explaining rules, and mediating conflicts effectively. I am proficient in maintaining a respectful tone and understanding the perspectives of different players. 3. Dedication: I am committed to fostering a welcoming and respectful environment within Cats Bit. I understand the importance of being active and responsive as a moderator, and I am willing to dedicate a significant amount of time to fulfill the responsibilities associated with the role. 4. Fairness and Impartiality: I strongly believe in treating all players equally and fairly, regardless of their in-game achievements, experience, or personal background. I will ensure that rules and guidelines are applied consistently, creating a level playing field for all participants. 5. Team Player: I thrive in collaborative environments and can work effectively as part of a team. I am open to feedback, willing to learn from other moderators, and ready to contribute to discussions and decisions related to community management. If given the opportunity to become a moderator in Cats Bit's Oxide Survival, I will utilize my skills and experience to create a safe, respectful, and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. I am confident that my dedication, knowledge of the game, and passion for maintaining a positive community will make a meaningful difference. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of Oxide Survival. Should you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Sincerely, Samar
  3. I will played and see this cheater i found him and turn on a fraps his nickname: меняховут551 so bad i dont have their id but im think this not a big problem, bye!) video:
  4. Есть в оксайде один клан [Сулич]. Так вот весь этот клан - это сплошные читеры! У нас с другом была отличная база, которую никто не рейдил, а тут, один из представителей этого клана просто запрыгнул на неё, прошёл сквозь двери и убил нас. Просим забанить этого игрока, чтобы игра была немного чище и лучше. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
  5. It's been three days and my reports are still pending. Is there any way you can approved faster? It's a pain in the ass seeing those players whom I already reported with proofs and are still playing. Please check my thread. I already reported like 4 players but still pending. I hope you can notice this. Thanks. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  6. Eu59 Chinese cheater i posted reports before,please do something
  7. I wanted to ask why do some people get 1hour ban then 3 days and only then perma and others get instant perma ban? I mean it's the same aimbot cheats but different client like when I cheated I got permanent but friend got 1hour?
  9. Добрый день сегодня мне выдали бан причина чит (ошибка) есть скрины и сведетили играю с эмулятора gmail: Буду презнателен? rast_test_01
  10. Я довольно хорошо играю, но есть люди которым это не нравится и говорят: читер,читер!!! Никогда, с никакими читами я не играл. Накинули репортов и мой аккаунт забанен, есть ли возможность снять бан? ник: Izzechka Сервер: 48
  11. Me friend and me play and oxide ban. He id. D6C1D2EEAF55747A pls unban.
  12. Меня забанили не за что я з дузьями рейдил дом питался запригнуть меня Кик нуло Я захожу пишет то что мой аккаунт был забанен,Я не играл с читами пожалуйста рассмотрите мой аккаунт и разблокировайте пожалуйста мой никнейм xx.frozi (I was banned for no reason, I raided the house with my friends, I ate to pin me Kik zero I go in and writes that my account was banned, I did not play with cheats, please consider my account and unblock it by)
  13. Please BAN Cheater РАЗРУШИТЕЛЬ8 he has a WallHack, FLY Hack, Spid Hack .
  14. There are a few people who shoot through walls in this server. Check it out cmon
  15. Hey there. I found a hacker in RU server, and he crashing all servers, that why i want to get him banned on Sandbox 3D. + I can tell what cheat he uses, but i will not print there. I joined server after he joined and crashed it. There screenshot,I specifically cut out cuz i have problems with internet,and we gone.
  16. Saigames0

    Server Ban

    Ban people from your server
  17. Hello, it’s me again, back posting the 2nd time! Today I have a unique suggestion, Chat Commands! Server Members and Owners can only do little things, Chat Commands makes it perfect! Here are the Chat Commands. | OWNER | !kill <UserName> | Immediantly kills members. !smite <UserName> | Causes a Explosion on a Member flinging there ragdoll into the sky! !logs | Shows Command Logs !god <UserName> | Gives a Member unlimited health. !setHealth <UserName> <HealthAmount> | Sets the Max health of a Member. !rag <UserName> | Makes a Member enter ragdoll mode. Can be exited by pressing the ? button. Useful for having fun glitching the ragdoll! !mute <UserName> | Disables Chat for a Member. Useful to stop spam. Undo with !unmute !fling <UserName> <Intensity(optional)> | Yeets a Member into space. !Kick <UserName> <Reason> | Kicks a Member, showing the reason on the Members Screen, and the Kick Message. !Ban <UserName> <Days> <Hours> <Minutes> <Reason> | Kicks a Member from a server, and they cant join until the time runs out. !PermBan <UserName> <Reason> | Bans a Member, but for an infinite amount of time. !BanLand | Shows Banned Members and the reason and ban time. Allows you to unban Banned Members or change there Reason and time. !VIP <UserName> | Gives a Member VIP permissions. !mod <UserName> | Gives a Member Moderator permissions. !Admin <UserName> | Gives a Member Admin permissions. !Owner <UserName> | Transfer ownership. !fly <UserName> | Toggles flying. Stop flying with !unfly !EditServer | Opens the server menu. Allows you to change the map, name, password, and other options. !ServerLock | Prevents Members from joining. Undo with !UnLockServer !Speed <UserName> <WalkSpeed> | Change you, or a members speed to speed fast, or waddle slow. !JumpPower <UserName> <Power> | You know the deal! | Member | !chat | View messages that you didn’t have time to read, and chat in style. !ragdoll | Same as the Owner Command, but you can’t use it on other members. !FP | Toggles first-Person. Toggle 3rd Person with !3P !Commands | View all Commands, and the rank required. | FEATURES UNLOCKED | New ranks. VIP: Golden name in chat, VIP next to your name, and chat commands you can use on yourself only. MODERATOR: Can Change there name color. Special role tag next to name. Use Chat Commands on a single Member at a time. Mute Members. ADMINISTRATOR: Black and White name color unlock. Use chat commands on “all” and “others”. Kick Members. CO-OWNER/OWNER: Rainbow Name Color unlock. Ban members. Red tag next to there name for owner. Example: [OWNER] heyimadrian123. Change a members rank. OFFICIAL CATSBIT ADMINISTRATOR: Change coins and gems. Unlock Name Shapes and Name animations. Use bikes and guns! Use all skins! Infinite gems and coins! Delete a Members account! In the Player Menu, you can see the rank as it does with OWNER. Admins can ban people with the Orange X, and perm ban with the Rainbow X. That is the end of the update. This took a long time to write. ?
  18. Ron


    I think there should be a ban button so spammers can be ban can’t come back with different name and mess it up -Kazuki(game name)