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Auto aim i have recorded everything pk clan on us 7. All hackers. Lvl 7 auto aim and lvl 12 auto aim AE314A0BD64C6005 1ED0C49F8E8B55F1
Auto aim i have recorded everything pk clan on us 7. All hackers. Lvl 7 auto aim and lvl 12 auto aim. AE314A0BD64C6005 1ED0C49F8E8B55F1
I joined a server to start a new journey, until it seemed like an auto-farm hack taking advantage of other players, Please Take Action. Id From the Player: 91899968C306936 Proof:
Once Again I Found An Auto-Farm Hack Taking Advantage Of Fair Playing Players, Please Take Action. Player ID: C74DD74B0BFA86C7 Proof:
I Found This Guy At Lumberjack Cheating By Taking Advantage Over Players Who Play Fair! Please Take Action. Player ID: ADDD65F4C6D724BF Proof:
Auto aim hack lvl 12. Base from language hes chinese 808DEBF3160D1063 MASS REPORT AUTO AIM HACKER. It is night and all the shots are hitting me
I was playing, until out of nowhere an auto-farm hack appeared, taking advantage of players who play fair! PLEASE TAKE ACTION. ID FROM THE PLAYER: 7D2EC178E4828F36 EVIDENCE:
Убийство с аим кила. На видео хорошо видно выстрел спиной
Hacker us 4 25B4619F60B2266E Revoler hacker lvl 16 pls ban acc
LVL 15 Video proof YouTube video
another group of hackers came to my house today, there are 3 of them, unfortunately I can only get the ID of 1 person, this cheating action needs to be banned, they are in US1 ID: A642EF8E2BBD2C18
Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
- бан за что
- banned
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Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
Developers of the game Oxide survival island, I want you to unban my account, I was banned for no reason, I was just reported by my enemies because I loaded up their house, my nickname is CHOCO_abemes
- banned
- бан за что
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Здравствуйте недавно я скачал игру,и сегодня меня забанили , вот мой игровой аккаунт Qw1zYx? ID: 35690B36A258B7D9 Проверьте пожалуйста
I was playing pvp with a few people in the city area. Then I had a pvp with an mad person, 5 minutes after I killed him he said you are a hacker and I reported you. I got banned after 5 minutes.Pls unban me. I'm sorry if I broke the rules.
Hello, please unban me, I was banned by mistake. I calmly played oxide on the 21st, put a workbench near the door (I thought I would open the building hammer and take it away), studied the building hammer, but because of a bug in the game I could not craft it. I wanted to leave the house, climbed onto the workbench, started climbing between the workbench and the doorway, but suddenly I was banned. I've been playing your game for about 2 years now and have never played with cheats. Players could complain about me because I am not friends with many players on the server and I kill them. I'm a very good shot and many players even call me a cheater, BUT THAT's NOT TRUE! @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard ID:C1328FBCBAD8CA8E or B94E8A0040A76549 Nickname: ПИСЮН БОБРА5 Level: 12
- 1 reply
- read it...
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This player is using hacks C86E435DEE8417C9 ban him as soon as possible
Hello, please unban me, I was banned by mistake. I calmly played oxide on the 21st, put a workbench near the door (I thought I would open the building hammer and take it away), studied the building hammer, but because of a bug in the game I could not craft it. I wanted to leave the house, climbed onto the workbench, started climbing between the workbench and the doorway, but suddenly I was banned. I've been playing your game for about 2 years now and have never played with cheats. Players could complain about me because I am not friends with many players on the server and I kill them. I'm a very good shot and many players even call me a cheater, BUT THAT's NOT TRUE! @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard ID:C1328FBCBAD8CA8E Nickname: ПИСЮН БОБРА5 Level: 12
- ban
- ban without reason
- (and 4 more)
Здравствуйте, прошу разбанить меня, меня забанили по ошибке. Спокойно играл в оксайд на 21 еу, поставил верстак около двери ( я думал что открою киянку и заберу его), изучил киянку, но из-за бага игры я не мог ее скрафтить. Хотел выйти из дома, залез на верстак, начал пролазить между верстаком и дверным проемом, но вдруг меня забанили. Я играю в вашу игру уже около 2 лет и ни разу не играл с читами. На меня могли пожаловаться игроки из-за того что я в плохих отношениях со многими игроками на сервере и убивал их. Я очень хорошо стреляю и многие игроки даже называют меня читером, НО ЭТО НЕ ТАК! @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Guard ID:C1328FBCBAD8CA8E Ник: ПИСЮН БОБРА5 Уровень: 12
- ban
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