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  1. banishment? I thank!
  2. CA961367EFEF0523 Ben this player I'd aimbot hacker and aimkill and speed
  3. Hacker aim kill Ops: i recorded this hacker using aim kill and killing myself but i am not able to publish on the site Id hacker : 90AE6B07A0B40A2B
  4. Otro hacker en el server espero le den ban rápido veo que no han atendido el otro reporte que mande received_593247688902478.mp4
  5. Hacker: B.E.N.J.A Id: 9B750B5E0596B2D7
  6. Hacker aim kill, peço ajuda a o suporte para banir este hacker
  7. Hacker aim kill. Por favor suporte pesso ajuda a banir este hacker
  8. Hacker racista, no Br 1 a um hacker chamado:brabo 157 22 Peço ajuda a vocês a banirem este hacker
  9. on the stream, he says that he plays on different servers, but more often on 8 eu and 56 pve Chek time code 8:08-8:20
  10. Hack que aimbot,SPEED entre sempre fica me ecomodando no servidor dei sorte que dessa vez ele tá sem arma,por isso que não me atirava e ele mesmo no chat assumiu.@ Catsbit.Dev@ Catsbit.Care Código: 8522B392447A1CCE nome: SANTI34...
  11. Server: us8 Name: Roba_Nos..5 Hacks: Aimbot Este hacker ruso anda matando a todos los que van a la ciudad Proyecto_07-09(1)_SD 360p_MEDIUM_FR30.mp4
  12. Server: us3 Name: hshshfff Hacks: aimbot and big head
  13. The anti-cheat system is a cruel joke, there has been no change or effort it seems in fixing this issue. Hackers are free to roam with no consequence, and they use aimbot and have the ability to pass through walls so there is little chance of beating one. Please Allow at least one to two players per server the ability to moderate the servers. I know that most players consider this to be a mobile rust of sorts, but even rust had player moderators because they understood that the anti cheat system isnt and will never be good enough to stop people from hacking.
  14. Make hacking ban able I’m tired of getting shot in the back of the head while I’m scrap farming because a hacker flew over to me don’t just kick them they can join right back make more armor and make like 2x server and higher multiplier servers for people who like fast paced game play also leather armor is over powered for leather add more armor like the hazmat suit from rust but don’t make it look to alike so it doesn’t get copy right and make it cost a lot of scrap and metal and keep up the good work love you guys ? ps. woodenpickle oh and last thing have like admins join servers or have people make servers but it cost money like rust and they can ban hackers so meaning like the people who buy servers can put multipliers and they become admin of that server love you guys again ps. woodenpickle
  15. Screen_Recording_20220627-192233_2Accounts.mp4 Screen_Recording_20220627-192233_2Accounts.mp4
  16. Зашёл на сервер спустя 2 месяца посмотреть что вообще делают с игрой , столкнулся с тем что пол сервера читеры , одни высоко прыгают , у других спидхак , аим . Желание играть отбило сразу, с этим надо что-то делать как можно быстрей , пол года назад всех кикало с сервера если хоть немного система посчитала что ты делаешь что-то не так , хоть и кикало через каждые пол часа обычного игрока , зато читеры отлитали моментально , надо или вернуть ту систему или обычным игрокам это просто надоест и они уйдут , новую я даже не представляю сколько вы будите делать , как-то так ?