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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Thanks, but at the moment i can't check him out.. So, i need some record
  2. @Rose90 @MadMaximus @Bellaa @clone So, all of you have the same problem: you can't enter the precise server. Can you tell me a bit more about it. Maybe you noticed some pattern when it happens. Does it happen after you disconnect to the server list? Have you tried to reinstall the game? What device do you play on?
  3. Hi, Thanks for the information. We will limit it in the next update.
  4. Hi, As far as I understood, you can't enter the server 17, but all the others work well. Is it right?
  5. Thanks for the record. Have you tried to join another server? to reinstall the game? to use wi-fi?
  6. Добрый день, к сожалению, мы пока не набираем администраторов или модераторов.
  7. Просто бить дольше надо) Можно снести еще топором, оружием. Ракетница отлично сносит любые стены и двери ?
  8. Не ошибка, а баг на увеличение ресурсов. Пришлось сделать экстренный вайп из-за багоюзов.
  9. Sorry, it was urgent. Next time we will announce earlier
  10. Catsbit.Care

    Server wipe

    Attention! We make a server wipe because of urgent bug fix!
  11. Can you send me a screenshot please?
  12. Hi there, Have you tried to delete a friend from your friends list and refresh?
  13. Hi there, Thanks for the record. Please remind me what country you live in.
  14. Hi, We are really sorry that you have such bug. There is a number of players who experience the same problem. At the moment we can't explain why it happens. We will get back to you as soon as we find the reason and solution to it.
  15. It sounds strange. Anyway we will check the work of the cupboard, thanks. What do you mean by saying that description for rocket is bugged?
  16. @clone @JMRVRGS @LancerO Yes, we hope that in the near future we will be able to open asian servers too ?
  17. We have opened Brasilia-based servers!
  18. Another Enoc.. Thanks, I've banned him.