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Everything posted by Catsbit.Care

  1. Что такое новая мыльная кровь? ?
  2. We are on the stage of internal testing. We are very-very close. Sorry for delaying. Extreme heat slows down productivity ?
  3. Hello! We are working on our new project based on Survival Simulator. That's why the work on Sandbox 3D is suspended After new game release, we will update Sandbox 3D
  4. Hi there, Catsbit has NO official discord server. We barely have time to make games and to manage our forum and social media. Absolutely no time to manage a discord server ?
  5. We are trying to release it asap. Within this month
  6. А что вы подразумеваете под режимом выживания?
  7. There is a max limit = 1000 items.
  8. Word of mouth is our best advertisment ?
  9. Just to be precise, the new game will be soon released, not a survival simulator new vesion. It will be an updated version of Survival Simulator with some new features. At first it will be a test version that will be updated every week.
  10. Hi there, Yes, there is such a bug. Thanks for information! We'll try to fix it in the next release.
  11. Such an interesting idea! We will think how to get it done
  12. Hi there, Thanks for offering your help! What kind of job can you do?
  13. Everything is ok ? Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question
  14. Hi there, Every message with a picture or hyperlink needs to be approved or rejected by the admin. It was made to prevent the forum from spamming. The major part of messages is treated within one day or some days. Btw I have no private message from you.
  15. Hope it will be straight after the release of the new game.
  16. Hi there, I can just provide you with the estimated date. The new game is planned to be released at the beginning of June
  17. Thanks! We really had some problem with servers. Now it's fixed.
  18. Yes, you're right. Got it Thanks for a signal. Done
  19. Frankly speaking, we were taking a break for some time. We had some personal reasons for that.
  20. How can we put restrictions on the Discord account created NOT by our company?
  21. Hi there, There are many messages describing this crappy guy Ivy. We are so sorry it happens in our game.. Concerning the game SandBox 3D. Unfortunately, there is no possibility from our part to block him. So, please, make everything possible in order to stop him playing: mute, block, avoid by any means. Discord: There's no official discord Sandbox 3D! Any Discord Sandbox 3D that you see is created by the funs of our game! Please, try to ask the creator to block or apply to the Discord administration. Please, do not let such players damage the game and players!
  22. In fact, it will be a new game. Similar to Survival Simulator, but with more features and another structure. Exactly what players expected. Sorry for misleading you.