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  1. This 3 guys on GL Clan wasnt level 25 can you please make something about this ???!
  2. Roezcito


    A person on this game server climbed on top of a house. The server is us 10
  3. 3 lvl AIM, TELEPORT, BD22E46803AE00A CHETING 118 EU
  4. ray01


    Cheating-aimkill ID:B6231D80ADA77641 por favor ban
  5. Читеры Server:EU 68 На нашем сервере многа читероф и вот их ID и их Nickname:НИК:РАК1234 ЧИТЕР ИД:1E4532AF1917D2A, НИК:киллер ЧИТЕР ИД:E1E63CF7B40674D, НИК:СИК БЛЯЯЯЯ ЧИТЕР ИД:392419F0A1DFC65C, НИК: КАМП ЧИТ ИД:48662290BFA804AE, ANGEL ЧИТЕР ID2EC63D3446F0290A.
  6. video Id: DEF2EF3FA10AF11B
  7. We were building a house and the hacker flew in through the roof, I even recorded him flying. If that's not enough, I can get more evidence. (Server: US #10) Evidence: (I am aware that you have multiple accounts with the same name)
  8. I was just running around in iron armor with full equipment, and some man without armor ran up to me with a stone axe. He turned on auto-murder and ran after me in a squat. He killed me. Improve the anti-cheat. There is a photo below where he kills me.
  9. How can you be inside in the middle of a tree and farm?? But this guy can surely do that and on a pve server non the less!!
  10. Cheaters using aimkill, magical bullet with hunting rifle, is level 12, ID 44532DB7C4DE4B43
  11. Читер использовал спид хак на видео. Ник: шети ID: 99270FD2B8BBCAAB Видео с доказательствами:
  12. kurazhik


    U 1 | 4A7A59CEEDEE19CD | 66 EU Limk: Hacking (aiming)
  13. Player BBE840EBEA0139B(this is id) Plays on the server 15 # EU.Uses magic bullets, aim kill. I ask that he be banned as soon as possible.Sorry the video is not loading, look at the link. Thanks for understanding.
  14. 8D9C94DCB1938206 Pls ban cheater with aim, speedhack 16 lvl in 95 EU 8D9C94DCB1938206
  15. F04C625B6D19D242 Thats is id number hes hacking with aim bot please ban
  16. DB633370F190BFF6 Oyuncu Kimliği
  17. 2005CAA0435E1886 his I.D.
  18. Cheat for players: фх софт аим id: 52BA40FC7E7F5F41 pls banned for players
  19. There is hacker at US6 server again... UserName:Slap_01 ID:F513A8E22C947FB9 He uses auto-aim and aim-kill. Many people have already been killed by him. Please ban him immediately. Na serwerze 'US6' jest haker... UserName:Slap_01 ID:F513A8E22C947FB9 Używa on auto-aim oraz aim-kill. Wiele osób zostało już przez niego zabitych. Proszę o natychmiastowe zbanowanie go. Quote
  20. There is hacker at US6 server again... UserName:TITEEEEEEEE. ID:DED027034FA915AA He uses auto-aim and aim-kill. Many people have already been killed by him. Please ban him immediately. Na serwerze 'US6' jest haker... UserName:TITEEEEEEEE. ID:DED027034FA915AA Używa on auto-aim oraz aim-kill. Wiele osób zostało już przez niego zabitych. Proszę o natychmiastowe zbanowanie go.
  21. KayDeeGz


    Hey admins please ban this cheater Using aim bot and fast walk , please ban him B7F3BBCB2CD54C0B server eu 0.3 #94 and there are lots of cheater there most of the players are cheater ! Please read the complains and ban ! I’ve lost thousands of ammo iron sulfur and bases bcs of cheater !!!!!
  22. игрок КЕФТЕМЕ), на сервере [EU] [0.3] Oxide #22 использует сильный мод-меню, а именно : АИМ бот, софт, паучёк, бесконечьное здоровье. ID игрока: 1BD938D8D08E9BC3 Прошу забанить как можно быстрее потому что очень сильно мешает играть