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  1. Good day I can't login to my server 110 I will attach the video my id BB95B4E909A93365 video:
  2. здравствуйте! Конда я пытаюсь зайти на сервер у меня сначала подключение , затем авторизация и выбивает в меню (причем на сервере 50~ человек) Я знаю что это из-за интернета! Но я прошу чтобы вы исправили это! SERVER : 8 EY
  3. RU: Здравствуйте @HH.Care хочу у вас спросить когда сервера не будут пинговать?!?! Играть не возможно! Недельный сервер 59 еу очень сильно лагает! Урон от меня не проходить а от чела который в меня стреляет проходит, те же кламсеры их тоже много...
  4. Hello, I'm trying to login the server I've been playing on. But it's stuck on "authentication" loading screen. I unistalled and re-installed I can join and enter other server no problem just not my server. Server: 17 US Username: Shelzol Please help as base is decaying Thanks
  5. Здравствуйте разработчики и игроки пве серверов! идеи для улучшения качества роботы пве серверов 1 — Добавить ограничение для фундаментов и треугольных (лимит до 20 фундаментов) С таким количеством фундаментов на сервере будет меньше непонятных строений и меньше застроиных локаций. 2 — Убрать забор и ворота для пве серверов (Иза них в некоторых места лагает и особенно когда застраивают дороги для личного пользования) 3 — Сделать ограничение для донатных вещей которые можно ставить на землю и на фундамент. (До 5 донат вещей) @HH.Care @HYPERHUG
  6. THV


  7. Jut

    Prime Br Server

    Hello, I wold like to ask if you wonder to open a Br Prime Server?? We are a lot of LATAM people playing and the 2 Prime Servers that already exists, give lag to us when we play there. Thanks 🤠
  8. Repair this problem and make BR 1 server funcionable.
  9. Roezcito

    Test server

    Recién note en el juego un servidor llamado 'test' al que no se puede ingresar y exige la versión 0.4.72, que funcion tiene ese servidor o para que fue creado? A demás, porque está esa nueva versión que aún no está disponible?
  10. HK Captain


    Hello developers, please trouble the people on this server, they use cheats and I am also always targeted by them, they are in groups and they are Filipinos and Russians. They use heck water auto aim heck auto farm location and many more and they always toxix stutter they are the first on that server I beg people to bother I have bothered some of them my name is HK captain please also in the next update just delete the guest feature because they can't use official accounts so please delete the guest account so that Less cheaters
  11. Why ban my acaount im no hacker nickname mastubation in 96 eu server
  12. Catsbit please consider making a few servers that are only playable on IOS and you would log into these servers with Apple ID. There is no hacks on IOS so no hackers would be on these servers as they use android. Please also add a ios exclusive second prime server as it would be hacker free too! Please everyone repost this so catsbit sees this! This is an easy fix to hacking for iOS users as we WOULDNT have to deal with hackers anymore
  13. Why can't I join server EU#72?
  14. Hace varios días este error que los servidores br desaparecen por favor arreglen el error
  15. Please add a new server for Asian players. Or let us host one.
  16. Kovaleww


    Cheater on 19 server nickname cheater: Zelenskiy id cheater :A341D57C7F29DE2B PLEASE GIVE THIS PLAYER PERMANENT BAN!!!
  17. Koyla kills me with cheats
  18. Hi, I'm having problems accessing the Prime server among other servers, but Prime is what I care about the most, because I'm creating content for my videos on it, in addition to having paid to use it. I've already tried clearing cache memory and clearing data, installing and uninstalling the app, as well as deleting all friends from the friends list and the problem remains. Apparently whenever I disconnect inside a building, even if it's mine, as long as it doesn't get destroyed from walls to ceiling (through decay or someone raiding), I can't relog with my Server account, it cost me over 400 of burnt sulfur. I was only able to reconnect after the entire base had decayed and they had already raided. I'm sure it's not an internet problem, because in the same video I show that I can log into a server with a Ping higher than the Prime Server. I ask for your help to resolve this situation, because as it is, I have become increasingly discouraged with the game, supporting hackers from all sides and now this problem is complicated. Grateful. The video is having trouble uploading, so I'll be providing the video Vídeo: link. Username: NettoBR0
  19. Mortalk

    Server Bug

    Games crashes after joining a server (Loading Scene) any idea how to fix it? I'm using Samsung A2 Core.
  20. Ayer despues de un reinicio del servidor, no puedo volver a dentrar a el servidor (usa oxido #12) Pueden arreglarlo por favor
  21. Fokion

    Server wipes

    Hello, I was looking to see if there was a plan to make certain servers wipe on a schedule? As cool as it is to get Rockets and blow things up I love the competitive aspect that you will get when everyone is using a bow an arrow until they get rifles ahaha.
  22. Increase the amount of players on BR servers, at all times the servers are so full Screenrecorder-2022-01-25-16-52-18-828(0).mp4
  23. de mais servidores Brasileiros, apenas 3 não estão suportando todos os jogadores BRs.