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  1. Current name is Samyth New requested name Mirror345
  2. Привет , разработчики.У моего друга аккаунт гость и у него на акке донат,если есть возможность можно ли привязать гугл аккаунт другу?Мы не хотим потерять донат на акке.
  3. Добрый день ,помогите решить проблему дело в том что не ищет сервера после выхода с игры ,играю с iOS устройства.
  4. So I hoped of the game and didn't exit from the game but the winter update happened and I was like oh that's cool then I bought as much as a could to help the developers then I got a text so I exited the app then when I tried to open it, it keeps kicking me out I went to the playstore and noticed it's not updated so I updated it then I tried getting back into the game it did the same thing I need to know if this has happened to anyone else cuz I'm scared I might loose my account if anyone knows how to help don't hastate to message me please ? Gmail -
  5. ============================= Good afternoon, KATSBIT ? I have a problem with my nickname. I would like to change it, if it's not difficult for you, please help me :3 ============================= ((Sorry for my English, I'm Ukrainian and had to translate the text into English)) ? ============================= My ID Profile: LOWER ? 1F0B540E7D80BDD1 1FOB54OE7D80BDD1 ============================= New desired nickname: eto zhe psix ============================= ((There is either zero "0" or the letter "O", I did not understand)) ============================= PROOF: LOWER ?
  6. Não posso mais matar membros de clãs? Quando mato adversário de clã já é um motivo de choro e todos me denunciam injustamente só por ter matado algum deles. Perdi todo progresso, banido injustamente. O que fazer agora?
  7. Every time i try to update the game it stops at 100%
  8. The servers are gone it keeps loading please fix this I can't play my games if If they can't load
  9. the servers are down do something ya never do but now do something catsbit
  10. So you want people to play your game well PLEASE tell us when you’re sending outta an IOS update? Like I got kicked off one server that I was doing well on because it needed an update. And now the second one I could use I can’t now because of an update. So when are you giving us an update? Any correspondence would be nice.
  11. Sometimes the game would just freeze and kick me out it's really REALLY annoying is there anyway you could fix it? Record_2021-08-16-19-31-11_8ee7c4fda46bbb1a05472c1249dca647.mp4
  12. Доброе времени суток, я занимаюсь 3D моделированием. опыта большого нет, но хотел бы узнать могу я чем либо помочь конкретно над работами с этой игрой?)