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  1. He use spider hack
  2. It's been three days and my reports are still pending. Is there any way you can approved faster? It's a pain in the ass seeing those players whom I already reported with proofs and are still playing. Please check my thread. I already reported like 4 players but still pending. I hope you can notice this. Thanks. @Catsbit.Care @Catsbit.Dev
  3. Mariusell


  4. E3A0DE773A6C031B
  5. Hola, como están amigos quería sugerir un servidor para la comunidad latina ya que ay mucha gente nueva que va iniciando en el juego entonces no saben a quien pedir ayuda por que cada servidor que hay es de rusos, árabes etc
  6. Здравствуйте мой аккаунт был забанен за то что я хранил ресурсы в своем аккаунте добытые с помощью чита я признаю свою вину и сожалею за это я играл на Apple устройстве и создать новый аккаунт тоже не могу Пожалуйста очень прошу разбаньте мой аккаунт под ником Я Х И К О обещаю что буду играть честно!
  7. Record_2022-12-22-23-31-09_4ef2ebc844a075bb97173ed8673c7a1a.mp4
  8. JOZU-YT


    Please adm, release my 4 posts from the 4 hackers on the Br1 server, there are more speed and wall-climbing hackers, I still need to record the other players I posted everything correctly, the links to the grades and the prints I will be grateful if you ban everyone quickly ❤
  9. I have kicking by anti-cheat every minute. I am not cheating. But system don't think like that. Good update, but this... Better if you, dear developers, make the moderation system. Sorry if take mistakes, I am Russian. Game name: ЯТИМХАНА Your's GREY.
  10. Would be nice to have the option to have a private server to learn on and make public
  11. Hello, it’s me again, back posting the 2nd time! Today I have a unique suggestion, Chat Commands! Server Members and Owners can only do little things, Chat Commands makes it perfect! Here are the Chat Commands. | OWNER | !kill <UserName> | Immediantly kills members. !smite <UserName> | Causes a Explosion on a Member flinging there ragdoll into the sky! !logs | Shows Command Logs !god <UserName> | Gives a Member unlimited health. !setHealth <UserName> <HealthAmount> | Sets the Max health of a Member. !rag <UserName> | Makes a Member enter ragdoll mode. Can be exited by pressing the ? button. Useful for having fun glitching the ragdoll! !mute <UserName> | Disables Chat for a Member. Useful to stop spam. Undo with !unmute !fling <UserName> <Intensity(optional)> | Yeets a Member into space. !Kick <UserName> <Reason> | Kicks a Member, showing the reason on the Members Screen, and the Kick Message. !Ban <UserName> <Days> <Hours> <Minutes> <Reason> | Kicks a Member from a server, and they cant join until the time runs out. !PermBan <UserName> <Reason> | Bans a Member, but for an infinite amount of time. !BanLand | Shows Banned Members and the reason and ban time. Allows you to unban Banned Members or change there Reason and time. !VIP <UserName> | Gives a Member VIP permissions. !mod <UserName> | Gives a Member Moderator permissions. !Admin <UserName> | Gives a Member Admin permissions. !Owner <UserName> | Transfer ownership. !fly <UserName> | Toggles flying. Stop flying with !unfly !EditServer | Opens the server menu. Allows you to change the map, name, password, and other options. !ServerLock | Prevents Members from joining. Undo with !UnLockServer !Speed <UserName> <WalkSpeed> | Change you, or a members speed to speed fast, or waddle slow. !JumpPower <UserName> <Power> | You know the deal! | Member | !chat | View messages that you didn’t have time to read, and chat in style. !ragdoll | Same as the Owner Command, but you can’t use it on other members. !FP | Toggles first-Person. Toggle 3rd Person with !3P !Commands | View all Commands, and the rank required. | FEATURES UNLOCKED | New ranks. VIP: Golden name in chat, VIP next to your name, and chat commands you can use on yourself only. MODERATOR: Can Change there name color. Special role tag next to name. Use Chat Commands on a single Member at a time. Mute Members. ADMINISTRATOR: Black and White name color unlock. Use chat commands on “all” and “others”. Kick Members. CO-OWNER/OWNER: Rainbow Name Color unlock. Ban members. Red tag next to there name for owner. Example: [OWNER] heyimadrian123. Change a members rank. OFFICIAL CATSBIT ADMINISTRATOR: Change coins and gems. Unlock Name Shapes and Name animations. Use bikes and guns! Use all skins! Infinite gems and coins! Delete a Members account! In the Player Menu, you can see the rank as it does with OWNER. Admins can ban people with the Orange X, and perm ban with the Rainbow X. That is the end of the update. This took a long time to write. ?
  12. RobloxIsDead


    I would like to see more happen with survival sim. It is a great game with loads of potential. But in order to keep people interested you need to have a consistent update schedule. I.E. when will the multiplayer stuffs be coming. And others. Thanks.